Daycare Worker Mortifies Children Via Wicked Halloween Mask and Horrifying Screams (video clips within)


The story you are about to read is long and with many details but clearly depicts the horrifying experience that multiple toddlers were forced to endure while in daycare.

Dayscare! Fury as female carer is filmed terrifying ‘bad’ children by screaming at them with creepy Halloween mask – while ignoring the ‘good’ kids

  • Videos from inside one Mississippi daycare show a worker putting on a terrifying Halloween mask to scare toddlers who were ‘bad’ 
  • The woman walks through several classrooms, even chasing after a crying child attempting to run away from her 
  • One woman who claims to have recorded the footage said she did it to get ‘proof’ of her coworkers’ actions, which she then sent to parents 
  • The videos have sparked outrage online, causing thousands of people to weigh in on the situation
  • Some are urging people to reach out to law enforcement in the area and hold those involved responsible for their ‘child abuse’  

You can read the rest and view video clips here. By HOPE SMITH FOR DAILYMAIL.COM

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