“Never Open the Door to a Lesser Evil”

The following article was written by Montana's own Darin Gaub. Lt. Col. (ret) Darin Gaub is a Geopolitical Strategist, U.S. Army Veteran, Blackhawk Helicopter pilot and Battalion Commander, and...

Sheehy and the SOS Delay (Will Zinke and Sheehy Swap Places at the Last...

To the best of our knowledge Tim Sheehy (the supposed Almighty MT Senate Sweetheart Candidate) has not yet signed up to run for the...

The Death of the ‘Montana Primaries’ (Central Committees and Pachyderms Are Questionable)

Montana Primary Elections are on a steady downhill roll all the way to the grave. The primaries aren't even a level playing field...

“Testy-Tester”-(Will the Real Jon Tester Please Stand Up?)

The following Opinion-Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by a very concerned (and fed up) Flathead County resident. And it goes without saying...

Montana Mom Enquires, “Mr. Governor are you Sipping Cocktails in the Cabin of the...

A Montana mother is very concerned (and she should be) which is why she wrote this letter (Opinion-Editorial) to the Governor of Montana-Greg Gianforte....

Zinke and Daines and Tester on Feinstein-(But It’s Rosendale Who is Wise)

In a recent article on the passing of Diane Feinstein two Montana Republicans (and one Democrat) commented on the U.S. Senator; and yet another...

Lahaina (Maui) Op-Ed Disaster Will Bring “Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence”

The following Opinion Editorial was written by Aman Jabbi resident of Lake County, MT. "There is more to Lahaina (Maui) than is being pushed by...

Persecuted Montana Missionaries Harassed by Online “Trolls”

The following article was written by Jesse Boyd lead persecuted missionary who was wrongfully assaulted and arrested on November 12th, 2022 in Madison, County...

Western Montanans: Your Water and Well Rights are in Dire Trouble (Do Something-Speak Up)

The following Op-Ed was written by Mark Agather of Kalispell. Agather is serious about getting involved because yes the Water Compact absolutely affects your...

Montana’s Senate Race: We Don’t Need a Wealthy DC Inside Guy (We Need to...

Washington DC is corrupt as can be. The last thing the people of Montana need is another candidate who is enamored of the DC hoopla....