Montana: “Bears Here, Bears There, Bears EVERYWHERE!”


it’s completely out of control. Northwest Montana as well as parts of Central MT are experiencing the ‘Intrusion of the Bears’ like never before.

Never in 50 years have the “bears” trekked so far into cities and towns especially in Northwest Montana.

Why is this the case?

Several factors weigh into this invasion. Perhaps the biggest contributing factor is a lack of summer/early fall huckleberries. This in turn was caused by bizarre weather patterns. We had an abnormally cold spring with snow that lasted forever in the mountains causing massive flooding in places such as Flathead County and Helena.

Likewise, we incurred the rainiest June in years followed by extreme heat and then severe fires. All these factors have caused grizzlies, black bears, mountain lions, raccoons, foxes, and other ‘critters’ to venture into areas they never tend to go.

Here is a camera which records animals at night. This particular grizzly has been causing havoc by getting into fruit trees and grain bins in the Lower Valley area in Kalispell.

Towards the west end of Flathead County by Springcreek, a grizzly (presumably) has been wandering into yards dumping over trash cans, and dumping scat as well after consuming massive amounts of apples! The owner stated that to his knowledge never has there been a bear on his property. The deer who are usual residents are oddly missing as the land owner claims a mountain lion has been seen prowling nearby and could’ve very well drug off the 6 or so deer who often inhabit the property.

Most likely grizzly “scat’

Whitefish MT as well as Columbia Falls are dealing with unbelievable havoc due to bear activity in trees, in trash cans, and everywhere as well. Every other day we hear of a black bear hanging in trees in town for hours on end.

Be careful out there folks it’s a ‘wild’ fall!

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