Flathead County! BREAKING: Do NOT Write In “Jack Fallon” for County Commissioner (video footage included)


Jack Fallon is a Democrat posing as a Republican; he’s not even a RINO.

He is extremely liberal in a multitude of ways and try as he may there’s no hiding the matter. Fallon is funded at least in part by the PAC (Political Action Campaign) entitled ‘Flathead First.’ This “PAC” is made up of self-proclaimed ‘moderates’ (which in the world of politics means liberals). You can read and study ‘Flathead First’ by clicking here.

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure this out or Fallon for that matter-it just takes research.

Jack Fallon is NOT a Conservative and covered up the Republican Elephant.

As you can see above Fallon covered up the ‘Republican Elephant’ with tape but ran on the Republican ticket in the primary.

To begin with “Flathead First” quoted Marc Racicot (former Montana Republican Governor) who is so liberal he is pro-Monica Tranel. He loves the ‘Great Middle.’

“ The life of this nation is dependent on everyone taking care of and nurturing democracy daily…A people who cannot talk or listen to each other, who do not respect each other, who will not sincerely consider the thoughts of each other, who do not trust each other and who cannot reason with each other, cannot live long in freedom.”

December 8, 2021 speech by Marc Racicot (Montana Governor 1993-2001; Chair, Republican National Committee, 2002-2003) to the Montana Taxpayers’ Association

“…the Great Middle is in the process of organizing itself with a higher goal, quietly but surely, not by express agreement or party affiliation, but by standards of decency, integrity, honor and faithfulness to the best interests of the Republic…

– February 13, 2022 letter written by Marc Racicot (Montana Governor 1993-2001; Chair, Republican National Committee, 2002-2003) to current Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel

This is the same Marc Racicot who also just endorsed Ingrid Gustafson the far-left candidate for Montana Supreme Court Judge.

Do you see what’s happening here? These people LOVE the “GREAT MIDDLE.”

Take a look at the flier below which is on the “Flathead First” website (which was published before the Primary last June).

Pay special attention to “Most are opposed in the primary by divisive candidates supported fringe extremists.”

Wait what? Divisive candidates? Erin Arneson who ran and lost to Cal Ketchum for Superintendent of Schools is anything but divisive. Terry Falk candidate for HD8 is not in any way divisive. And John Fuller is a highly respected man. Furthermore who exactly are these “fringe extremists?”

Well, my friend, they are law abiding conservative Constitutionalists that’s who these folks call ‘extremists.’

But there’s more.

Here’s yet another ‘flier’ revealing exactly what Fallon would do if he were elected Commissioner.

Above is a picture of Fallon with his family. Especially interesting is the statement that reads thus, “Non-elected puppeteers have been pulling the strings on the Commission for far too long.”

What is this referring to? This is pointed at the conservative citizens of Flathead County. Fallon doesn’t want anyone coming in with ideas contrary to his oh heavens no! His idea would be to sit down and shut up! (And to prove it I will explain that premise by describing his content in the video clip below).

This is frightening.

Fallon is the puppet and who exactly is pulling his strings? The moderates and liberals that’s who. However Fallon isn’t one to give up easily.

If Fallon had his way he’d rule as a dictator and with an iron fist. Why he even admitted he wants to “work from his computer at home.” Why wouldn’t he want to work from the Commissioner’s Chambers in the Old Flathead County Courthouse? (Because then he would have to deal with the residents and their ideas, burdens, and concerns) and anything different than the way he thinks.

Do you see how hypocritical this is?

The quote by Racicot above in essence indicates that people should ‘sincerely consider the thoughts of each other” when Fallon has no plans or intentions of listening to or regarding “We the People!”

In February of 2021 Fallon (who still resides on the Flathead School District 5 School Board) massacred the Montana State Constitution. As you view the video clip below watch how he so desperately tries to convince those listening to think collectively instead of as individuals laid out in the US Constitution as well as the Montana State Constitution. “For the greater good of all” is NOT what these documents state but rather the freedom of individuals and “bodily autonomy” is the premise of the Montana State Constitution.


Watch as Fallon distorts and massacres the Montana State Constitution and the rights of individuals. Also watch as Fallon also scolds an audience member.

Do not be fooled by this man Flathead County-if another ‘variant’ came along Fallon would lock down the entire county in a New York second.

Oh but there’s more.

Fallon is in horrific health. (Which is highly likely another reason he wants to “work from home.”) Fallon suffered a cardiac arrest and therefore had a triple bypass not long ago. In his first debate against the other candidates running for County Commissioner last spring, he was late as a result of “hospital testing.” He simply doesn’t have the strength and stamina required for the task at hand.

Flathead County, do NOT ‘write in’ Jack Fallon!

[Publisher’s note: Let it be known that this is not in any way an endorsement for Pam Holmquist current County Commissioner whom Fallon is running against.]

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