DEVELOPING! Suicide at Mineral County Jail-(Inmates Suspect Foul Play)


A Montana relative of Shane Pelletier shared recent information with Montana 1st News concerning Pelletier’s recent death in Mineral County Jail.

“A previous resident of Mineral County who knows several inmates in Mineral County Jail revealed the following on social media. The event took place approximately 24 hours ago.”

The resident posted the following,

“Mineral County Jail has yet again outdone themselves in their trip up s*** creek! Unfortunately an inmate by the name of Shane Pelletier has committed suicide in that jail last night due to the guards keeping him on lockdown for well over 2 months.

“I’m not just talking about a lockdown here or there I mean he has been in 23 hours a day lockdown for over 2 months! He has already had mental issues and on top of that I myself heard almost everyday the guards tormenting him screaming and cussing at him to get back in his cell. It’s really sad to think that we have bullies in our justice system!”

Not only that but they’ve left his body in his cell for numerous hours now and the other inmates are stuck being around him. Now if you think about it everybody has a little bit of a mental tick but being in jail really causes it to flare up; any issues that we have on the outside they’re going to magnify while we’re in jail so now they have to be subjected to a dead body for hours and hours! This is not right something needs to happen please help!”

The resident continued,

“Here is a text message I received from an inmate just a couple minutes ago… and this is just one of many issues”…

“We all have ben miss treeted sence ive ben her we didnt have heat tell 4 days ago Know the phones arent working ive ben trying to see a docter about led poisening and led bullets popping out my foot ive ben sick dizzy as f%#* havent slept in Days becouse of it.

Pelletier’s relative shared with Montana 1st News the following,

“My relative died of suicide? At Mineral County Jail just before he was happily awaiting to move to Warm Springs? Something is rotten in all of this.”

Be sure to check with Montana 1st News as the story develops.

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