Persecuted Missionary Jesse Boyd-“Gianforte Pay Attention to the Ground-Not the Sky”


This opinion editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by Jesse Boyd, Persecuted Missionary. Boyd states Gianforte has known for some time about the false charges coming against the band of missionaries.

“Maybe Greg should concern himself a little less about what’s floating in the sky over Montana and a little more about what is happening ON THE GROUND in his state. Is he aware of the litany of ethics and civil rights violations committed by the Madison County Sheriffs Department, a litany that began long before a group of peaceful missionaries walked into Montana? Is he aware that there are men with badges claiming to act on the authority of the State of Montana who treat American citizens much like CCP police treat the people of Tibet? Stop gazing up into the sky Greg, and start looking down and around you! Stop whining about Washington and start doing something to clean up the mess in your own backyard.

Greg Gianforte KNOWS about the false charges against the Christian missionaries from North Carolina.

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One of the missionaries crossed his path in the hallway of Grace Bible Church in Bozeman back on November 20, 2022. The two spoke briefly, and the missionary asked the Governor to pray for him and his friends, handing him a #thelongwalkusa Gospel Tract and asking him to read it. The Governor said he would. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.

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