Jesse Boyd “True Revivals always begin with Repentance”


Jesse Boyd claims that “True revival always begins with repentance.” Yes folks, “thems fightin words.”


Jesse Boyd his children and missionary partners came to share that “Montana needs to repent.” Boyd shared with (the true assailant) Brad Terrell (who punched Boyd) that he needed to “repent” as well.

Boyd sheds light below and the truth about what True Revival entails.

“Back in 2010, I learned about TRUE REVIVAL which took place in the 1960s way off the beaten path. The “boat preachers” came and preached the Gospel from the decks to villages along the rocky coastline of Newfoundland. Mr. Caines recalled to us from his childhood of entire towns closing up shop to come hear the Word of God preached along the shore. He recalled town-wide repentance, conversions, and churches planted, including the very Gospel Hall where my Nepali pastor friend and I parked our rig that day. I learned something that day. The churches in America need TRUE REVIVAL. And true revivals in history, like what happened in Newfoundland, always began with REPENTANCE.

Here is an excerpt about our encounter with Mr. Caines almost 13 years ago (the entire newsletter is linked below). Bethany was traveling with us and was only 6 years old:

“In Parson’s Pond, I noticed a young man walking down the road, as well as John 3:16, displayed prominently on a big sign in front of a ‘Gospel Hall.’ I passed these but sensed a need to turn around. So, we swung into the Gospel Hall parking lot, and I went to share Christ with the passerby. He took a tract. As Bishnu and I were then studying the map and trying to figure out where to camp, a man approached from across the street. Mr. Caines was a believer and had noticed the Gospel messages on our trailer after we turned around. To make a long story short, our speaking on the things of the Lord eventually led to showers, a hot meal, and an invitation to stay the night. We gratefully obliged. That evening, Bethany made a few friends and got to go horseback riding while Bishnu and I had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to a group of local kids. I recall two young ladies who listened with intent and two young men who accepted Bibles, having never possessed ones of their own. Later, at a nearby state park, we climbed up some limestone arches, enjoyed gorgeous sunset hues, and were able to witness to three young men from Ontario. We also stashed some Gospel tracts in a geo-cache that Mr. Caines’ son found. The fellowship in the Caines’ home was sweet, and we were very grateful for the Lord’s provision. Truly, all had been divinely ordered, and I pray that our presence encouraged Mr. Caines and his wife unto boldness and that his two children were convicted toward salvation. Interestingly, the Gospel Hall in Parson’s Pond (as well as others up and down Newfoundland’s western coast), where we were parked when Mr. Caines first noticed our trailer, was started as a result of open-air preachers who came through on boats in the 1960s. According to Mr. Caines, God wrought “great revivals” at the time and in that place, and the stories he told reminded me of things I had read concerning the Great Awakenings in America.

Alas, however, he divulged: “A mere 50 years later, the younger generations have become hardened, cold, and ignorant of Gospel truth. Isn’t that always the way?”

[Publishers Note: Repentance is hard; it includes turning away from sin and includes the Holy Spirit bringing conviction via the Word of God. True Revival indeed is comprised of these things.]

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