HB 225: Courtenay Sprunger VOTE NO! (The Criteria is SERIOUSLY Lacking!)


The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by a highly concerned Montana resident.

House Bill 225- COURTENAY SPRUNGER (Establish adoption tax credit)–VOTE NO! : THE CRITERIA IS SERIOUSLY LACKING!

“I understand the amount of money these adoptive parents spend and are burdened with; it’s their choice and not because they are paid for their services. If the biological parents decide to take and raise their child will this action if passed, be published giving the biological parents notice? (meanwhile the grand bargain $$$$ has been administered).

Where is the criteria?

In reading HB 225 I have many concerns. In reading this bill it is nebulous and eliminates any oversight as it is being presented to this committee.

In looking at this bill the word “chattel “came to mind. With all the human trafficking happening can you guarantee this will NOT happen to these children? In Section 1(6) it states, “The Department shall adopt rules to Administer this credit. Where are those rules?  Where is the oversite? Where is the accountability?

This is not acceptable.

In section 1(b) $5,000 in the tax year the adoption is final if the eligible child does not meet the requirements of subsection (2)(a). So in looking at this the questions are-Where does this child come from? Is it an illegal and trafficked child? Where is the proof? Where is the country of origin?

We already have child tax credits. Read the law.

Currently, a child tax credit provides a family with a credit of $2,000 per child under the age of 17 who is an American citizen.  If a single parent earns more than $200,000 annually (or $400,000 for married couples), the credit is reduced by 5 percent. If the credit exceeds the amount of taxes owed, the head(s) of the household would receive up to $1,400 as a refund per child. For children who are 17 to 18 years of age, or college students who are 19 to 24 years of age, a $500 nonrefundable credit can be received for each child. This credit for older children became available in 2018 under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  This is in place and is law.

Ambiguity is dangerous and so is HB 225.

Replacing one broken system with another is not a solution! The lack of oversight and accountability in HB 225 bill is a proverbial train wreck waiting to happen! THEN try and put humpty-dumpty back together again!

P.S. These children are human beings not “kiddos”.

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