Topic- Montana’s Deceptive Election Process: Venezuelan Speaker Warns Montanans! “America It’s Happening Here!” (meeting times listed)


Montana is unbelievably fortunate to have a native citizen of Venezuela speaking in our state at numerous events (See flier below)

“Vesna” puts all of the stats and evidence into context. Of course, the machines are connected to the internet, and here’s what is happening to our country because we insist on discussing the minutiae of where some part is made. It could be made in the USA by some corrupt American as well as made by some corrupt person anywhere in the world.

You will NOT want to miss these events (of which there are several).

Bring your family and friends and show up at one event or all if you choose but Montana SHOW UP.

PRESENTERS: (of this event along with Vesna are)

“Montana Election Integrity Project”

Jane Rechtenwald, Scott Dunphey, and Greg Woodward

Featured Guest Linda Lanier (Patriotic Speaker/Singer) will be present as well.

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