Sidney MT: Paddlefish Season has Begun!


Yes they are big, and yes they are UGLY but in Sidney Mt and surrounding areas, the fun has just begun. And yes word has it these grotesque-looking ‘Paddlefish’ taste like chicken! (Whether that is true or not is in the taste buds of the beholder.

They appear to be in a category all their own. Oh look! Here’s one strapped to the top of a car cruising through Sidney as we speak! (It sort of looks like a dead seal).

Actually, they resemble the plesiosaur of old…sort of…..

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Below is a young Sidney resident who was delighted to get to sit next to the mammoth creature (a kindly gentlemen who caught this monster let the adorable lad hop up and enjoy a view). This particular creature was caught at the Seven Sisters River access in Crane, Mt (10 miles south of Sidney, Mt). In fact, it was caught in the river from the bank!

They are bottom feeders so their mouths open like whales (they have no teeth). No bait is required. You don’t use bait-you snag them with a tri-hook and ‘reel and drag’ until you get one.

Paddlefish are known to live in rivers in the Southern states but also live in Eastern Montana as you can see. According to some folks they taste like swordfish steaks.


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