Governor Gianforte Montana Needs Copper! (Call to Action Within)


The need for copper in Montana is at an all-time high. Please contact the governor immediately explaining why we need this mineral and please do so quickly. read the information below as it contains pertinent talking points.

Montanans for Affordable & Reliable Energy (urges you to do the following and immediately)

Please email Governor Gianforte and let him know we need copper mining in Montana, in particular reference to the Black Butte Copper Project. This Wednesday, 6/21/23, there is a hearing in this regard with a brief description below. 

We provide talking points below but please use your own words as much as possible.

In 2020, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) approved a permit for the Black Butte Copper Project for copper mining, stating the proposal for storing and stabilizing tailings met “stringent measures to protect Montana.” Project Permit DEQ’s job is to implement Montana’s environmental laws and provide high quality public service and technical assistance…to ensure all Montanans have clean air, water, and land free from contamination…” DEQ

Montana and out of state environmental groups have sued the DEQ, saying the tailings plan is inadequate to protect Smith River’s trout fishing and floating opportunities. In 2022 District Court Judge Katherine Bidegaray ruled the DEQ had erred when analyzing the project’s proposal to store and stabilize tailings using cement. The DEQ will be arguing its case this Wednesday, so please email the governor soon.

  • While the demand is skyrocketing for copper, the US/MT supply is dwindling, not due to lack of the metals themselves but due to the lack of investment in new mining and the shuttering of current mines.
  • We need to be able to use Montana Copper.
  • If more solar and wind power is the goal, we need more copper. Why? Solar and wind farms require a lot more copper per unit of power produced than centralized coal and gas-fired power stations. Electric vehicles use more than twice as much copper as gasoline-powered cars. Annual demand for copper is therefore set to double by 2035.
  • Copper is in short supply, while the need for it escalates with electrification. “Electrification,” is the envisioned zero-carbon emission future by replacing gas/oil run vehicles, furnaces, boilers, etc. with electric versions.
  • Reliance on other countries for copper costs more and places us at high security risk. The U.S. has ample stores of copper but lawsuits like this one stop us from using our own copper. We have become a net importer of copper reliant on other countries; and the top three import countries are: the European Union, China, and Mexico.
  • Policymakers/lawmakers are capable of improving access and economic viability of U.S. mining, making the U.S. independent of the volatile, expensive foreign markets.
  • We need copper for power distribution, especially for the increased electricity transmission needs upcoming. Copper is the cornerstone for all electricity-related technologies.
  • In the International Energy Agency’s Sustainable Development Scenario, “clean energy technologies” are estimated to bring a 40% increased demand for copper over the next 20 years. “As countries accelerate their efforts to reduce emissions, they also need to make sure that energy systems remain resilient and secure.”
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One particular Montanan felt so strongly concerning the matter that she submitted the following endorsement.

“I endorse this message.” 

“Development of Montana’s Resources made Montana the Treasure State, once among the highest paid workers salaries –  prior to 1972 Environmentalism.

Montana can responsibly restore Resource Development by implementing modern extractive techniques and capitalizing on the Treasures this State is blessed with – Copper, Coal, Silver, Aluminum, GOLD, metals always in high demand, (especially for high tech industry). 

Mining creates high-paying jobs that support families and communities AND would reduce Montana’s dependence on Federal funding.

Montana shifting from Resource Development crushed our state economy. Unreliable economic drivers like tourism and real estate development have shifted Montana to a service-based workforce, lower wages, part-time, no benefits dependent on government programs for assistance.”

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