You can witness incredible footage as a mother moose flies full speed chasing down a grizzly who had just eaten her offspring; just click the link at the end. We are not sure exactly when this happened but at any rate it’s downright fascinating video as you can see the bear crashing into a window before taking off again.
Nature can sometimes be an ugly beast, and this wildlife chase down shows that the good guy (or moose) doesn’t always win.
The video picks up with the angered moose already chasing down the grizzly bear. Usually with these types of videos, it’s the other way around with the moose getting attacked by the bear, but this clip does a little bit of a role reversal.
This moose is chasing after the grizzly because it ate one of its newborn calves, and mama moose wasn’t going to let it have the other one.
A group of people witnessing the high speed chase are standing up on top of some sort of look out building at Glacier National Park, and even though the chase is pretty entertaining, there are a couple of moments I got distracted because the sites of the Montana landscape are breathtaking.
You can read the rest of the story here. Quinn Eaton (Whiskey Riff)