MT Schools In Danger of Losing Federal Funds RE: Guns, Hunting, Chemicals, Explosives


Read the following article and then share it everywhere. Montana and other states may be losing valuable funding in public schools. (If public schools are granted federal funding for anything it should be for the following).

If Montana Schools teach hunting, archery, or classes that involve firearms, they will be denied federal funds. These federal funds are earmarked to make schools better. They are also being used to leverage states from supporting hunting and promoting gun/ weapon sales. “It is illegal to provide any person with a dangerous weapon or training to use a dangerous weapon.” The bill came into effect on June 25, 2022, and we are just hearing about it now.

This cultural and political war against guns and hunting is missing the target. It is also targeting states where hunting and firearms are a normal part of society. Legal carrying of firearms is needed to protect against dangerous wildlife while afield. Grizzly bears, snakes, and varmints can become a threat afield. These mostly Republican states also have less crime than states where guns, weapons, and ignorance to this culture are more common.

They define a dangerous weapon as a “weapon, anything that can be used as a weapon, device, instrument, material, substance, that can cause injury or bodily damage.” They do allow a pocketknife with a blade shorter than 2 ½ inches. I assume that any schools that teach air guns and Olympic sport biathlon and small caliber marksmanship competition are also violators.

This general and vague definition means that schools, using education that relates to their “weapons” definition, will not receive funding. If we look at each subject in schools, every school will not get these funds.

Science   chemicals, cutting tools, explosives…

Physical Education    Baseball bats, racquets, thrown objects…

Other current subjects also use sharp tools, objects, and devices that can cause injury. Drivers’ education classes teach how to operate motor vehicles, which injure and kill hundreds of thousands of people a year.

School is supposed to be where you go to learn how to learn. Reading, math, observing, problem solving, communication, self-discipline, etc. The subjects are where students apply what they learned.

Math   Accuracy, measuring.

History    Facts, legacy, legends, stories

Science     Problem solving, observation, data, accuracy.

Art    Expression, creativity

                English    Communication, culture, linguistics

                Phys Education    Physical wellness, health, sport, safety

There is no place in our schools, and our already full curriculums, for political and non-supportive agendas. As a lifelong public school Science educator, I taught Hunting, wildlife management, conservation, and used hunting and fishing as a positive platform to inform about wildlife management, watershed health, and gun safety. Our field trips took us to gun ranges, fishing holes, parks, hatcheries, and outdoor recreation locations. We processed, cooked, ate, and celebrated these outdoor honored traditions and legacies. No students were ever injured or harmed. As a Scoutmaster, I also taught weapons safety and outdoor education.

Hunting and fishing are the perfect platforms to teach what parents want and students need. They all begin with safety. Whether it is a gun, axe, knife, bat, shovel, or tool, safety comes first. Swim classes also keep kids safe around water. Outdoor education is full of dangers and risks. That’s why we teach how to be safe outdoors when using potential weapons, canoes, kayaks, motor vehicles, etc. Just because you do not teach safety does not mean danger will go away. 

You can read the rest of the article by clicking here. by montana grant

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