A Tribute to Kirk MacKenzie-His Lifetime of Service (Including Dams and Water Rights)


The following information was submitted to Montana 1st News by Dr. Annie Bukacek from Flathead County. This is a follow up to a former article submitted by Dr. Bukacek which you can read by clicking here.

“For greater depth, I provide the following presentation by an individual I greatly respect Kirk MacKenzie, who has done extensive research on this topic.” 

Fake Science: The Successful Fight to Save The Klamath River Dams, with Kirk MacKenzie (rumble.com)  

Grateful for your concern,

Dr. Annie

“Kirk died on Christmas day this year, and a Lake County woman involved in water rights issues, honored him by providing the following sentiment about Kirk plus links to his rich treasure trove of information.”

We lost a true Patriot on Christmas Day.

“This is the last post I had from Kirk on Dec. 12th.  This one is under Dams, Water, on Telegram.  Kirk had many Telegram accounts, ie; Energy, land patents, agriculture, etc.  All under Defend Rural America, at least 15 accounts that I know of.  Most of them started in September (and I think he may have had a premonition).  It seems like he posted so much information that he had gathered, documentaries, interviews, etc. starting in early September. 

Some are on Rumble.  Kirk helped the ranchers/farmers in Oregon and Northern CA and they were successful in saving three of the four dams on the Klamath River, but in the meantime lost over 1,000 land owners.  He also had some web sites:  www.DefendRuralAmerica.Com  www.SilentNoMorePublications.com

(Kirk MacKenzie’s dam presentation can be seen below on Rumble).

Fake Science: The Successful Fight to Save The Klamath River Dams, with Kirk MacKenzie (rumble.com)  

And there is more you can view on YouTube  www.Youtube.com/users/SilentNoMorePubs

   How to Take Our Country Back I-Strategy

   How to Take Our Country Back II- Tactics

On Telegram, type in Defend Rural America, his links will be in the left hand column.

Kirk and his wife left Idaho for Bigfork, MT and built a home here.  He will be terribly missed.”

If you would like to leave a message to his family: click the following link.

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