DISTURBING NEWS: Matt Rosendale Withdraws from Congressional Race Due to Death Threats


What you are about to read below is highly disturbing information.

This is FRIGTHENING as Rosendale was the best Montana has ever had in terms of fighting for the freedoms of our great state.

It leaves us to ask, what exactly does the following statement mean and who is behind this?

“Unfortunately, there is immense pressure from those who benefit from the CURRENT STRUCTURE to keep things as they are.”

Could this possibly be referring to the Montana GOP Cabal? There are ravenous wolves out there who want to take down those who speak the truth and stand up for justice. Politics are dangerous in Montana.

Montana 1st News will be covering this story as more information becomes available.

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  1. Quite unfortunate. I am so very sorry for Mr. Rosendale, being attacked in this way. Truly shows he’s ‘over the target’.
    While I’m not a Montana resident, I’d heard he was a good man; upon hearing that DJT had endorsed the ‘other guy’ (a rino), that confirmed it! I am sorry for Montana.


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