Expose on Denny Rehberg: What You NEED to Know


If you want to know the truth about Denny Rehberg search no longer for you’ve landed in the right place. Below shares how Rehberg operates and it’s not pretty. Be sure to read until the end and share this article widely so that truth will prevail.

The following article was submitted to Montana 1st News by,

Western Montana Water Rights

 “When we started this blog in 2012, we made a commitment to provide people with information about the issues that relate to the Flathead Compact, it’s genesis and the forces that have advanced and continue to advance it toward the finish line. 

While it may seem that politics have nothing to do with the compact, it was dirty politicians that have allowed the compact to advance to where it sits today, right on the precipice of its state of Montana finish line.

Montana politics are no different than anywhere else, but once you see the undercurrents within the state, understand who the bad actors are,  and are able to ascertain how the game is played, it is impossible to UN-SEE it.

We were very disappointed that Representative Rosendale’s move to run for the Senate resulted in opening his House seat to a RINO free for all. 

Despite this loss to the people of Montana, we believe Rosendale has done a great service to the people of Montana by exposing Steve Daines for the snake that he is. 

As helpful as that exposure is, it needs to result in the end of Steve’s political career, and only informed Montanans can make that happen. 

There is also a significant need to further expose Montana’s “esteemed” Governor Greg and to come up with a plan that focuses on replacing the RINOs that are installed throughout state government and to ensure none get through the state primary.

There is little doubt that Mitch McConnell Junior Daines also has his politically filthy fingers and dirty superpac money earmarked for a Denny Rehberg attempt at a comeback.”  

On February 21, 2024 Denny Rehberg announced he was running for the eastern Montana House seat.

Yesterday a friend forwarded this fundraising email received from none other than Dirty Denny Rehberg:

Washington isn’t working, and I want to go back and FIX THIS MESS with tested and trusted leadership! 

That’s why I’m running to represent Montana’s Second District. With less than 20 days left to make a big splash in the first quarter, I need your immediate help.

Here’s what we need to meet our goals and show everyone we’re serious about keeping Montana RED in 2024:

    • 5 Max out donors $3,300
    • 10 Gold Level Donors $1,000+
    • 500 Grassroots Donors $5 to $100

We both know what’s at stake in this election!

Like you, I have watched Joe Biden unravel the solid foundation President Trump built for America’s future. In just one term, he’s taken America from the strongest position in our history, to the weakest ever.

Look, I left Congress and went back to the private sector, just like public servants used to do before they made it into a full-time career. But here’s the thing… I cannot sit back and watch the dysfunction anymore.

We need real solutions to the challenges we face, and that only comes with LEADERSHIP.

If you help send me to Congress, I promise to tackle the big issues before it’s too late and to leave a recognizable country to our kids and grandkids.

I want you to know, I am dedicated to fighting for our Montana values and way of life.

Thank you for rushing your support. I won’t let you down.  

God Bless,

Denny Rehberg
Republican for Congress

Denny checks off all the boxes, doesn’t he?  Washington’s broken, Biden’s an idiot, Trump needs his support, Montana values, and problems that he is fully capable of fixing. 

He makes it sound as though he retired from “public service” despite his Flathead Lake boat crash scandal and his loss to Jon Tester in 2012.   

Denny’s plea for money exposes him for the condescending a$$ he is, and speaks to just how stupid he thinks the people of Montana are.  

Is Denny Still Working for the CSKT Mercury?

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you will know that Denny was dirty when he was in office and once he lost his Senate race against Jon Tester in 2012, he joined up with Mercury LLC, a lobbying firm that was hired by the CSKT to advance the compact in the Montana legislature and in Congress. At one time, he was listed as Co-Chair of the firm.

With that in mind, we looked Denny up to see whether he’d already distanced himself from Mercury and his connection to the CSKT, and lo and behold, he is no longer listed as part of the Mercury “team.”

Click on the photo for a larger image.

I will not do a deep dive into this but will instead provide a few bullet points so that readers can refresh themselves on just how dirty Denny is.  In September of 2022, we reported on Denny’s extracurricular activities while he served as Montana’s lone representative in the DC House of Representatives.

Denny’s Dirt

Chapter Six of Secret Empires by Peter Scweitzer, titled The Princelings of K Street, begins with the story of Representative Denny Rehberg and his son A.J.,

The Rehberg timeline paints a pretty clear picture of how the Millennium Challenge Corporation is used by politicians to personally benefit through the “resource extraction and infrastructure opportunities” that are created by the MCC, and funded by Congress.

  • In 2004, the Millennium Challenge Corporation is authorized by Congress at the request of George W. Bush.
  • Sometime during the 109th Congress (2005-2006), Rehberg established the U.S.-Mongolia Friendship Caucus.
  • In 2006 House Resolution 828 was passed– Commending the people of Mongolia, on the 800th anniversary of Mongolian statehood, for building strong, democratic institutions, and expressing the support of the House of Representatives for efforts by the United States to continue to strengthen its partnership with that country.” Denny was a co-sponsor of the resolution.
  • In 2007 A.J. Rehberg, became a lobbyist for Gage, LLC, a Washington DC lobbyist firm, founded and led by a former chief of staff of Conrad Burns. According to the Mongolian embassy in Washington, A. J. Rehberg was “the primary point of contact for the firm’s work with the embassy.” 
  • As a member of the Committee on Appropriations, Congressman Rehberg was ideally positioned to help the Mongolians. 
  • In 2007 the Mongolian government signed a compact for $285 million in U.S. taxpayer money for infrastructure projects in the country. That included plans to improve a railroad that was partly owned by the Mongolian government. The purpose of the railroad would be to transport minerals—including uranium.
  • In 2010, A.J. became vice president of a uranium company called Mongolia Forward. Based out of Washington, D.C., the company was involved in a joint venture agreement with the Mongolian government’s state owned uranium company that authorized Mongolia Forward to “explore, mine and process uranium in Mongolia.” The goal was to import the precious metal into the United States. A. J. Rehberg had no background in the nuclear industry. His job at Mongolia Forward was to serve as vice president for “public and government affairs.” Gage actually lobbied Congressman Rehberg’s Committee on Appropriations on behalf of A.J.’s company, according to federal records on issues related to “exploration, mining and international trade.”
  • Over time, A.J. also became involved in several other Mongolian business ventures, including a fiber optic network company and the first Pepsi bottling plant in the country.
  • Beginning in 2009, Daddy Rehberg also sat on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, which meant that he had oversight of the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
  • By 2011, the Mongolian Government hired Gage as their Washington D.C. Lobbyist
  • In 2012, Congressman Rehberg decided to run for the U.S. Senate in Montana. He lost. Shortly after he gave up his congressional seat, he joined the lobbying firm Mercury, and was ultimately hired by the CSKT to lobby on behalf of the CSKT Compact.
  • May 2014 the CSKT hired Rehberg lobbying firm Mercury LLC to “sell the compact” to the Montana legislature and to Congress.  The tribe has reupped the contract annually ever since.  The latest contract renewal was August of 2023.  See: FARM, Grassroots, Astroturf or Something Else?

Denny used the exact same corrupt, despicable and unethical roadmap that Joe Biden used with his son Hunter.   

The Millenium Challenge corporation has allowed politicians on “both sides of the aisle,” and their friends and family to partake in the congressional money laundering scam created by George W. Bush’s foreign aid program that was instituted after 9/11.

The quicker that people  get over the notion that a republican is better than a democrat, the healthier our state and country will become.

In 2015, the Flathead Water Compact was ratified in the Montana legislature despite the fact that the state had a republican majority in the House and Senate.  It took a handful of “republican” bad actors to work in concert with the democrat governor and democrat legislators to accomplish the job.

The simple truth is that the most powerful people in politics today are the RINO snakes that slither back and forth “across the aisle” to advance a UNIPARTY agenda that has eroded our freedoms and is destroying our country from the inside out.  Montana has many such political snakes working their magic on our lives.

You can read the rest of the article by clicking here.

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