Call to Action! New Rule Would Force PSC to Consider Climate Change! (You Can Help)


Read the following below very carefully and write in (using talking points in your own words) to help the Public Service Commission not be forced to consider climate catastrophe in their decision making process. Read carefully for instructions. Hurry as you only have until the 12th of April which is this coming Friday.

Please contact the Montana Public Service Commission, via deadline 4/12/24.

If this petition is made into a rule, the Public Service Commission and the utilities it regulates will be forced to consider climate catastrophe in their decisions. This will negatively impact the economy, environment, and health and welfare of Montanans. When you contact the PSC, be specific about what you are referring; a new rule that would force the PSC to consider climate change as they regulate utilities. Send more than one email with different points.

Use your own words, thoughts and information.


  • The U.S. is not in a climate crisis, in part because fossil fuels have created climate safety. Trying to reduce fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gases without weighing their benefits will create the crisis. Countries that are not industrialized via fossil fuels are the ones hit hardest when there are weather extremes.
  • Getting rid of fossil fuel sources of power and pushing unreliable sources like solar and wind will raise your power bills.
  • The Montana Public Service Commission does not determine its own scope of responsibilities—the Legislative branch does. The Montana Legislature established the Montana Public Service Commission first in 1907 as the Board of Railroad Commissioners and it has been The Montana PSC in its five member board since 1975. PSC is still under the legislature.
  • Forcing climate change into policy will damage health in many ways including stopping the use of forms of power that are reliable and keep us alive.
  • Wind, hydrogen and carbon capture projects are being put on hold or abandoned completely. We cannot count on them in the near future, especially in Montana. Say NO to petition for a new rule that forces the PSC to consider climate change as they regulate utilities. Don’t back these costly failures.
  • Getting rid of fossil fuel sources of power and pushing unreliable sources like solar and wind will have a huge negative impact on businesses, not only for utility companies but all businesses.
  • There have been predicted crises in the U.S. for 50 years and they have so far been wrong in their predictions. Catalytic converters for car engines since the 1970s and other products developed from human genius have brought us cleaner air and water than we have had in decades.

Thank you and please act quickly! (See email address above)

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