Flathead Pro-Life “Life Rally” vs Whitefish “Reproductive Rights Death March” (Video Footage Within)


Oh what a day it was.

The glory of the Lord shone brightly on Main Street in Kalispell (Sunday) as Pro-Life warriors stood strong for life in opposition to abortion and against Ballot Initiative CI-128 (an initiative which proposes to murder children up to 9 months of pregnancy with its deceptive and insanely wicked wording. This initiative would allow any healthcare “professional” to perform abortions! (See below)

Thankfully, Sunday’s Pro-Life Rally stood strong in the gap in hopes of abolishing this horrific initiative.

The group received overwhelming accolades, honks, and waves from passersby.

(Below is Senator Keith Regier’s recent article in the Daily Interlake, which also exposes the atrocious CI-128 madness).

Dr. Annie Bukacek (President of Montana Pro-Life Coalition, had this to say about the baby slaughtering initiative)

Furthermore, the following article explains how mothers who abort their babies are many times more apt to commit suicide than the rest of the population and than those who gave birth to babies. (Abortion is horrific for the health of pregnant mothers in numerous ways!) See the article below with excerpts. Click here to read the full article. Hannah Howard (Charlotte Lozier Institute)

Table 2: Finland

“The Finnish study indicates that in the year following an abortion (with most deaths occurring in the first two months), women were three times more likely to commit suicide than the general population and nearly six times more likely to commit suicide than women who gave birth.

Similarly, a United States study examining 173,279 low-income California Medicaid patients found that women who underwent abortions had nearly double the chance of dying in the following two years and “had a 154 percent higher risk of death from suicide” than if they gave birth.”

In juxtaposition to the pro-life event, in Whitefish, there was another event (a gruesome one in which the murder of babies was glorified all in the name of women’s freedom). The “death event” (Women’s Reproductive Rights March) hosted Jon Tester, gubernatorial democrat hopeful Ryan Busse, his wife Sara, and Busse’s candidate for Lt. Governor Raph Graybill. The protest/march occurred between Baker Street and City Hall in Whitefish.

The crowd was riled up and loud as they yelled, “WE WON’T GO BACK!” Click here to see the video footage.

In conclusion,

If CI-128 were to pass it would be the most evil, deceptive and barbaric of any abortion laws ever to have passed in the United States of America.

Be very proactive. Share this article with all your friends and family and ask them to do the same. Montana is in a war—a war for life itself.

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  1. We won’t go back and going forward is straight out the Marxist playbook All compliments of Harris. Wake up America.


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