Persecuted Missionaries Complete Coast-to-Coast Journey! (8118 Miles From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean-See How!) video clip within


No pleas. No deals. Till the VERY END.

Well the persecuted missionaries (who were assaulted two years ago this November in Madison County Montana) kept their promise to God and the rest of the world.

Two things, no matter what. They were determined to complete the trek they began on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in North Carolina and reach the Pacific Ocean (which they did TODAY!) no matter what. They were and are bound and determined never ever to “plead guilty” because they are NOT, but that is what the prosecution has wanted all along.

What Satan meant for evil, God has most certainly meant for good, and that has been proven over and over again. The cross they carried was torn away from them; they had another cross made. They were taunted with ‘plea deals,’ which they turned down, and three of the team’s original four legal cases were DROPPED. Now we wait and pray to see if Jesse Boyd (head missionary’s case will be dropped). Please pray to that end.

They made it! They walked, climbed, and handed out Gospel tracts as they prayed with and for numerous folks along the path they treaded, consisting of 8118 miles! You might be asking how a 3000-mile journey from coast to coast ended up being over 8000 miles, but the answer is easy. The team took a lot of byways, in fact, ALL the way up thousands of feet high, preaching the Gospel in places such as mile-high mountain tops in Glacier Park.

Praise be to Almighty GOD! Great things he hath done!

The original four missionaries, Josiah Boyd, his mother Jamie, and other friends and family are shown above.

Via Jesse Boyd,

The Finish Line: 8118 miles from Cape Hatteras, NC to Humboldt Lagoons State Park, CA. To God be the glory, great things He hath done! #thelongwalkusa

Click here to view incredible footage of their Pacific Ocean finale!

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