Kalispell-Flathead Warming Center: Illogical, In Denial, Dangerous, and Unrelenting


It seems that all eyes are on the Flathead Warming Center these days (located in Kalispell, Mt).

Never (to my knowledge in the history of Kalispell’s inception) has there ever been such a divisive topic or matter.

Let’s analyze the situation at hand.

The “City” believes the Flathead Warming Center didn’t fulfill its CUP (Conditional Use Permit) and has not been conscientious or “good neighbors” to the neighborhood (which Montana 1st News can undoubtedly attest to).

The Flathead Warming Center administrators, board of directors, etc., claim they “have done no wrong” and “the Warming Center has committed no crimes”.

Only people who live in denial would ever believe that a low-barrier homeless shelter would not bring crime or increase crime in a nearby neighborhood. Some of the ‘Neighbors’ had seen the same folks lined up (off and on for two years to get into the shelter), and these same FWC “guests” subsequently harassed customers in Albertson’s parking lot and nearby apartment complexes. Additionally, a worker at Michael’s gas station explained to Montana 1st News about “guests” who shared they were “staying at the Warming Center” and who “came in drunk while their children stole candy off the shelves.” Also, at Albertson’s, FWC “volunteers” in the past rudely harassed Albertson’s employees to donate food to the shelter even after they were told they needed to go to the nearby Food Bank to obtain food (as that is where Albertson’s donates day-old food items).

And there’s more….

Also recently, after the Center closed its doors for overnight sheltering, a Warming Center ‘volunteer’ entered Albertson’s Deli and demanded chicken be fixed and done IMMEDIATELY (and they wanted a considerable amount to feed a group). This was at approximately 5 pm. This person gave no forewarning and demanded it (as it was “for the Warming Center”)—we know the “Center is now required to close down each night by 7 p.m., so the person was rude and short; they were also disrespectful to other workers nearby- (We are not saying they weren’t willing to pay this time but rather had such an attitude of ‘entitlement’ and made sure the workers they were hassling knew it was “for the Warming Center”).

A recent article concerning the Center stated that the daytime use was for purposes such as social services, laundry, and light meals, which seems contrary to the above (meaning full blown heavy dinners at this particular time).

Marcel Quinn (Attorney for the City of Kalispell) recently had this to say: (according to a recent article published by NBC Montana),-see article link below-

“The city’s defense attorney, Marcela Quinn, highlighted discrepancies in the center’s application. She suggested “the claims about managing bad behavior and transportation needs were untruthful.”

and again,

“The defense argued Kalispell’s City Council had every right to pull the Conditional Use Permit because the center had not fulfilled its commitments regarding neighborhood impact.

“The city didn’t make up recission,” Quinn said. “(Horn) agreed to that clause.”

The Daily Montanan reported the following concerning Quinn,-see article link below-

“On behalf of the city, however, Quinn, of Hammer, Quinn, and Shaw (attorneys) in Kalispell, said no one disputes homelessness is a problem, but the city’s decision was not meant to stop homelessness or crime.

She said the case is ultimately about a land use decision. Under code, she said, the shelter was obligated to prove it would not have an adverse impact on the neighborhood in order to get its permit to operate.

But Quinn said the shelter painted a picture of its operation that was “woefully inaccurate,” and in order to rectify the harm that resulted to the neighborhood, the city council took action. And she said the application clearly states it has the right to do so.”

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Simply put, the Flathead Warming Center lacks logical reasoning.

In another article (read and listen to the audio by clicking here By Aaron Bolton, Montana Public Radio ), the Flathead Warming Center promoted a homeless woman named Mae Dutton. In the article it stated Dutton had been “homeless for years” and was expecting to stay at the Center again this winter (rather than relocate out of the area).

Tonya Horn (Flathead Warming Center administrator) shared the following concerning the homeless situation. “The need has increased. That’s very true. But if you think that is because of the Warming Center, you don’t know us, and you don’t know the people we serve,” she said.

So, let’s get this straight: It appears (we assume ) that Horn is saying that the folks they serve are of good character. However, if that is true, then why are they being turned away at night, and why did the City Council pull the permit for overnight lodging? The obvious answer would be for the FWC employees/volunteers/admin/board of directors to invite these “guests” into their homes.

It couldn’t be any clearer.

Horn was again quoted recently in the Flathead Beacon as stating,

” Flathead Warming Center Executive Director Tonya Horn said in a press release announcing the hearing. “We’ll do our best to outfit those in need with blankets, sleeping bags, and hand warmers, but beyond that, our hands are tied.” Click here to read the entire article. (BY MAGGIE DRESSER) Flathead Beacon

The fact is her hands are not tied, as the solution was shared above. Take. Them. In.

According to the 2022-IRS FORM 990 (which the Flathead Warming Center neglected to add to its website and which subsequently earned it a 69% Financial Accountability rating with the Better Business Bureau), the Center had plenty of funding to do just that (meaning the opportunity to place homeless folks with families/ clergy/ Warming Center advocates and so on). In the fiscal year 2022, the Center (according to the IRS FORM 990 data) had approximately $400,000 left over in its budget. Click here to read about fiscal matters pertaining to the Flathead Warming Center.

We do not know what the following years reported as we have had no access to such reports except we do know the FWC takes in close to a million dollars per year as the BBB data showed.

One can clothe and house a lot of homeless folks with that kind of cash and find people who will take them in especially if they are compensated. And isn’t that how the homeless should be cared for one-on-one in homes, with families/and especially with clergy, and so on?

And after all isn’t that really how a good neighbor acts? These homeless folks and especially those who are locals and “clean,” should absolutely be housed, and who better to do so than Flathead Warming Center employees/volunteers and advocates?

It seems unbelievable that Mae Dutton sleeps outside every night when those running the FWC could be housing her in their homes each evening.

Horn was also concerned about losing a possible “$75,000 grant” and jobs. But why do they need so many paid employees? In 2022 (and according to the IRS FORM 990), approximately 18 “employees” obtained about $295,000 in compensation.

What does it take for the Warming Center ‘advocates’ to understand this?

And furthermore, they are in denial, claiming they don’t serve folks outside of Flathead County (which just isn’t true).

Even the Kalispell Chief of Police, in recent articles, made it abundantly clear -(Daily Montanan) –BY: KEILA SZPALLER) Click here to read full article

And again NBC Montana reported the following, (Click here to read the full report)

As reported last spring to Montana 1st News (before the Center’s nighttime closure), a young man from Kalispell was visiting with a transient 20-year-old (as he and his friends were waiting in line to enter the Warming Center). When the local asked him where he was from, he revealed, ” Oh, we’re from Everett, Washington; we go from shelter to shelter. It’s what we do; we really like this one.

Of course, they like “this one” as the accountability is extremely low, getting in is easy, there’s free everything, and ‘guests’ can ‘volunteer’ if they choose to but aren’t made to do so to stay at the Center. What’s not to love?

A Ray of Hope, on the other hand, has much higher expectations and requirements, and all who are able-bodied and stay there must work a minimum of 20 hours a week.

It is evident from the information written above that many others besides ‘Kalispell locals and even Flathead Valley residents have stayed overnight at the Center. Michael’s gas station employees said they heard much talk about “people coming in on the train from Whitefish who go and stay at the Warming Center.” (And is it any surprise as Whitefish has a “No Homeless Ordinance” that they would urge homeless individuals to do so? But again, that is not what was permitted in the Conditional Use Permit, which the Flathead Warming Center Administrator signed. And as most of the funding for the Flathead Warming Center comes from Whitefish, so wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest?

Of considerable concern is the fact that the Institute for Justice (the firm that advocates for the Flathead Warming Center) is trying to base its legal case on “Private Property Rights” and the “Constitution.”

The reality remains that ALL homeless shelters within city limits must obtain a Conditional Use Permit.

The Institute for Justice stated the following (within the Montana Public Radio article) which is the opposite of what Quinn (Attorney for the City of Kalispell shared).

“The Institute argues the shelter met all the conditions of its permit and that the city council didn’t follow a set process to revoke it. It also says council members treated the shelter differently than other private property owners because it serves homeless people, violating the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection’s clause. The city disputes that claim.”

The issue is NOT that the City Council did not approve the Conditional Use Permit at the inception of the Flathead Warming Center’s opening but instead looked at removing it much later (and once it had moved locations and after police criminal reports and calls increased and after a multitude of complaints from the neighbors in the vicinity). It isn’t that they never issued a CUP-it was revoked due to ‘unkept promises.’

There was also a petition signed by hundreds of nearby residents complaining about the Center.

A Ray of Hope (a homeless shelter on the west side of town that has existed for over 20 years) is STILL required to apply for a Conditional Use Permit every time they erect a new building. At a current fundraiser, the head administrator for A Ray of Hope shared how the Kalispell City Council approved their latest construction project (and were “thrilled” to do so), which included a mechanic shop down below and an apartment for families above. And why were they “thrilled”? It’s because the crime surrounding that shelter has NOT risen as it has in the vicinity of the Flathead Warming Center.

And even after the Warming Center was required to close down for overnight usage, the police were seen in the parking lot of the center in the early evening. (photo credit one of the ‘Neighbors’)

Many events have taken place within the Center that go unnoticed by most people in the community.

For example, fairly recently, a young woman overdosed on Fentanyl (she ingested the drug while IN THE CENTER) and nearly died. (Several other women were consuming Fentanyl in the bathroom as well). We’ve heard of fights within the shelter and how some “guests” have stated that it is “frightening and scary” to stay there. Click here to learn about the overdose.

There is so much adversity occurring with the Flathead Warming Center and its headship that it’s mind-boggling.

Additionally, in their application for the Conditional Use Permit, the Center submitted that they did not want to expand but, if anything, remodel the existing structure. However, recent design plans showed they have plans to expand, and money has been promised and earmarked to see the project through. It is quite presumptuous to do such a thing when it was contrary to the application they submitted in hopes of obtaining the Conditional Use Permit.

No one wants to see homeless people suffer in the cold, but there are solutions. In this case, as the article reveals, the FWC hasn’t done what it promised.

In conclusion, the Flathead Warming Center has not kept the conditions it signed and agreed upon. “Guests” can be violent and unruly in the shelter. Some transients come from outside the area and stay at the Center (contrary to the agreement in the CUP), and yes, the Center draws them to the neighborhood. The Flathead Warming Center is fiscally irresponsible. And because of its “low barrier” nature, it attracts people and the homeless to the area. As shared in this article, it is illogical how they run the Center, and many employees/volunteers are unrelenting in how they address nearby businesses.

There are many answers and solutions to keeping folks warm and cared for, but this method, quite frankly, is not working because the outcome is not favorable for everyone.

The Kalispell City Council made the wisest decision ever when they revoked the Flathead Warming Center’s Conditional Use Permit.

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