Montana Now Has Most Wicked Abortion Law in the United States


The worst possible nightmare has taken place.

Montana’s Constitution will be amended and laced with the evil of all evils as CI-128 passed with a “Yes” vote.

Imagine the following scenario, if you will (and yes, it’s more deplorable than ‘Night Gallery’)…..

Scenario No. 1

A 12-year-old girl tries to keep her pregnancy a secret from her parents. She is afraid to go to her family doctor for fear her parents will find out (even though she can get an abortion without her parent’s signature). She decides to ask the school nurse for advice and the nurse looks into the new law and realizes ANYONE In the “Healthcare” profession can now legally perform an abortion on anyone (and without parental consent). The nurse then attempts to do the procedure even though it’s not something she’s done before…(Abortions are unsafe enough. (Now it’s a living nightmare).

Scenario No. 2

Sex trafficking is alive and profitable (and yes, in the State of Montana). Imagine a sex trafficker trying to cease a 14-year-old’s pregnancy (no matter WHO got her pregnant), so he drops her off at some random clinic (remember, anyone in the healthcare profession in the state can perform an abortion). He gets in zero trouble, and in a short time, the girl can be ‘farmed’ back out only to get pregnant again…..

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Scenario No. 3

A woman, 25 and single, got pregnant by accident via a one-night stand and can’t pay her bills. She falls into a deep depression and, at 8 months gestation, decides she wants an abortion. She makes an appointment with ANY ‘healthcare professional’ (no questions asked), and at 8 months pregnant, she murders her baby.

These are just a few of thousands of possible scenarios that could take place now that Montanans have voted in the most wicked and vile initiative. (Well, not ALL Montanans)-Many claim the wording concerning the initiative was challenging to understand.

In fact, some pro-life advocates have expressed concern that they may be liable on harassment charges simply for praying outside of abortuaries (abortion clinics).

{Publishers Note: Please, everyone, share and continue to share news sources such as, as we prepped the public for months on exactly what this initiative was about. This is WHY Freedom-based, Christian worldview, and Constitutional news is vital to read and share.}

To read just one of the many articles Montana 1st News wrote and published trying to warn voters of his heinous initiative, click here. (We really did try to warn everyone and were ‘boots on the ground’ protesting this abomination).

Pro-life warriors NEVER give up-NEVER. Do whatever it takes within your power to help sustain life from conception to natural death.

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