Unhoused “Guest” (Sentenced Child Sex Offender) is Flathead Warming Center’s Featured Advocate


Recently, “The Guardian” wrote an article about the Flathead Warming Center located in Kalispell, Mt. Many portions were debatable however one interesting fact was overlooked altogether and of great interest is the truth concerning the man who is the featured advocate of the Warming Center.

To read the entire article written by ‘The Guardian’ click here. (Article Credit Andrew Gumbel ‘The Guardian‘, Photo Credit Aaron Augusto)

Recently featured in ‘The Guardian‘ where they highlighted and interviewed many involved with the Flathead Warming Center also includes FWC advocate (William Brown) who is touted as a (laid off) former wildland fire fighter employee. However, there is far more to Brown’s story than just that. (See below)

See first police report below.

Folks, here are the facts: this man is on file here locally (Registration Agency is the Kalispell Police Department) and was at one time charged as a sex offender. And he is featured in the above article where he is spotlighted by the Flathead Warming Center. (Do not forget that children stay in the Center at times).

Furthermore, he was recently detained by law enforcement on (See the date? January 7, 2025, is when his picture was first taken). The general public deserves to know all the facts. And recently the SVOR website states the photo date is now invalid, and that Brown’s ‘Record Update’ is now 2/4/2025. Click here for proof of Brown’s recent criminal record. In essence Brown’s criminal record has been updated TWICE. Does this mean he was detained twice?

Second SVOR Update below

Photo Date: Invalid Date

Brown, William Bf 57 year old Male

Date of birth: 12/31/1967

Offender Type: Sexual, Level 0

Designation: Transient

Known Addresses:[No Known Address] KALISPELL MT 59901 (FLATHEAD COUNTY)

Employment Addresses:4 SUNSET PLAZA KALISPELL MT 59901

Registration Agency: Kalispell Police Department, (406) 758-7780

Source: Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry

Record Updated: 2/4/2025

Physical Description Last Updated:1/10/2022Race: CaucasianHair: BrownEyes: BlueHeight/Weight: 5’09” / 200lbsVehicles:

Offense (Sentenced: 6/23/1998) Non-Montana Statute: Florida Sex Offense-Against Child-Fondling | Counts: 1Occurred In: Duval County, FloridaCourt Case: Not AvailableVictim: 4 year old Female

If you look closely at the photo take of Brown for ‘The Guardian’ and the photo taken of him by the police department, criminal William Brown is wearing the same exact shirt and coat (there is no mistaking it as the same man).

And yet several questions still remain. Why did law enforcement detain him? What recent crime(s) did he commit? And why would the Flathead Warming Center then portray him in a positive light because now he’s registered as a “Sex Offender” in the state of Montana.

We do know according to residents who speak often with the Kalispell Police Department that the KPD is often at the Center.

Additionally, the story shares how the Warming Center wants to see folks succeed and if that is true then why is Brown still here in Kalispell as an “unemployed firefighter” when his services and skill set could possibly be put to good use, then why wouldn’t the Center help him navigate those possible options?

As the shelter claims it “Works diligently with each resident on ways to rebuild their lives” then why wouldn’t they try to help relocate a man to help him obtain work? The article also shares that “Brown parks his camper at a nearby storage lot-but relies on the Warming Center for a place to stay overnight.” If the Center really wants to help unhoused people rebuild their lives, then why not help him winterize his camper?

Ironically, “Will Brown” as the article refers to him stated the following, “We deserve to be treated with respect until we disrespect you.”

The article covers many subjects and one in particular reveals where the director of the Center, Tonya Horn refutes that “they should be responsible for policing large parts of the city” however it’s really the nearby neighborhoods that the FWC is asked to be accountable to. Especially as the nearby residents are devastated when crime, feces and needles are dumped onto their yards). And yet these neighbors don’t inhabit “large parts of the city” but are very close in proximity to the Center.

Another truth is the matter of the large number of police reports (verifiable via Kalispell City Council data/charts/graphs) due to a huge uptick in crime which occurs every year once the Center reopens every fall and when the guests/residents of the Center leave in the spring they go way down. ‘The Neighbors’ also worked diligently last spring and summer in gathering hundreds of signatures via petitions to try to get the Warming Center shut down. Neighbors who live close to the Center spoke at Kalispell City Council meetings where several cried, others were upset to the core, and still others were fuming. Many shared that their property values were plummeting while others stated they were going to have to shut the doors to their businesses due to the high amount of crime in the area where they lived/worked close to the Warming Center.

One particular Montana resident was highly disgusted and took to social media with the following information in light of the recent article,

“I would like to see the truth written. These “homeless” are that way because they want to be. The public restrooms etc. were taken out because of the messes left by the homeless. Along with used needles and human waste spread all over the rooms. It became a health hazard for staff to clean or people to use. A huge health hazard for small children. The homeless camped on benches playing loud music, blocking sidewalks with stolen shopping carts of stuff. This stuff was sorted and resorted. The cast offs were just left for others to dispose of. Passing by these groups was a chore. Being grabbed at, yelled at, demanding a handout. So disheartening to have one say, “I’m hungry”, to go spend my last money to get them food, only to have them throw it out. They want money for drink or drugs. I’ve been followed to my car, had them try to block me leaving by standing behind me. Try living by the warming center. Your yard is the public restroom. Your things are stolen even if it’s locked up. Try being in your own home and have someone try to walk in. You do realize that there is a school near the WC!!!! Our children should not be subject to this behavior. Warming center do better. Stop putting us in danger.”

Be sure to check back with Montana 1st News where you will receive updated information on the subject.

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