Whistleblower ‘Dissidentsoap’ (on Gab) has cut loose with the following information concerning illegal aliens who have invaded Flathead County and were recently apprehended by USBP agents via the Whitefish Station.

Dissident revealed the information below.
Dissident Soaps@Dissidentsoaps
··Montana, Flathead Valley 411·Edited
“Ruis construction about to suffer a major slowdown.”
Others chimed in on Gab.
“USBP/ICE just needs to go to Walmart on a weekend and start profiling. Bet they’d pick up a number of them. Then they need to put the screws to Valley Neighbors and get more names and places. Missoula has these NGOs too.”
Other Gab participants applauded the Whitefish USBP and another believed the arrest took place in Hungry Horse.
You can follow pertinent information by clicking here.
Now Check the Flathead Reservation, and maybe Browning too.
we are doing what we can by giving addresses to local USBP in Whitefish. go ahead Lark you can check the FH Reservation and Browning.
we have FAR more than enough illegals to keep us busy as bees in Flathead County