WHISTLEBLOWER!- Informant Reveals: US Funding to Ukraine Issued to Democratic Party (via FTX)


An informant from Ukraine revealed to a Montana citizen the following information.

Basically the gist of the matter is this-

United States dollars (billions) were sent to Ukraine to provide “Military Aid” to fight Russia. However the funding was instead invested into FTX. FTX is the second largest donor to the Democratic Party.

Before we go any further what exactly is “FTX?”

It’s a cyclical mess.

  1. Ukraine receives money from the United States.
  2. Ukraine sent it to FTX.
  3. FTX sent it to Democrats.
  4. Democrats originally voted to send funding to Ukraine.

In conclusion, FTX (Sam Blankman-Fried) funded the Democratic Party and in what appears to “violate” campaign laws.

Stay connected and check back with Montana 1st News as the story develops.

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