‘Mainstream’ Montana GOP has (Gone Off the Pier) “Minute-Men GOP” are Vote Worthy


Yes you read that right. The Montana GOP has literally taken a nose dive straight off the pier. And many don’t even care who see them do so. Of course ( in their delusional minds) they think they are in the right.

Now don’t get me wrong there are different ‘factions’ of the so called GOP (see below).

The recent GOP is a new and ultra-bold breed of cat. They don’t mind if they vote with the Democrats (think Courtenay Sprunger and Tony Brockman) they don’t care that they are beyond accountable and represent the ‘Montana Cabal’ (think Gianforte, Daines, Zinke, Don K, and Sheehy) they don’t care about ethics or scruples and if they have to buy their way to the top they will do so.

There are many camps.

There are Democrats, RINOS (Republicans in Name Only) there are GOP Leftists (as stated above) there are also the naive GOP members (many of these happen to be members of ‘Republican Clubs’) and are hell bent on voting ‘Party Line’ once the primaries are over and as long as a ‘GOP’ candidate wins that’s all they care even if that person is beyond unethical a liar, cheater, swindler and sell out. (Many Republican Women’s Clubs are notorious for this).

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And don’t kid yourself Ryan Zinke is pro-abortion and he admitted so during a debate with Monica Tranel a while back. Certainly we should NOT be voting for him just because he’s ‘Party Line’ but don’t vote for Mary Todd either because she nailed him for being pro-abortion then greeted him with open arms once he won the primary last time in the Congressional race. (Remember he’s pro-abortion just like Tranel).

Then there is the ultra conservative amazing breed of GOPs (who I don’t even like calling GOPs) I’d rather come up with a new party name (because they aren’t really Libertarians either because often they don’t totally match that description as well or fit into that camp).

I’d like to name them “Minute-Men GOP”. These are your true patriots. Think Rosendale, Dr. Al Olszewski, Shaun Pandina, Lukas Schubert, and men who run various groups such as Darin Gaub the founder of “Restore Liberty”. These are the men and women who are willing and ready day or night (hence my “Minute-Men” title) to do what is good, right, honorable, and just in the name of the Constitution and ethics. However “Minute-Men” doesn’t mean just men it includes freedom fighting patriots like Dr. Annie Bukacek, and even new candidates like Stacy Zinn giving her all to ensure freedom against drugs and stopping trafficking at the Southern and Northern Border. Yes all these people mentioned above are “Republicans” but they are nothing like many “GOP Republicans” in our state.

Friends when it comes time to vote, vote the person most worthy. Watch closely, listen, read, and study. And do NOT vote for who people may tell you they like.

Dig deeper.

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  1. Well written. The Republican Party in Montana is asleep at the wheel and has one foot in the grave not to mention absolutely no interest in fostering the next generic conservative leaders. This is exactly how red states get turned purple then blue.


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