Brenda Roskos

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Call Legislators for a NO VOTE on Hideous House Bill 27 (Help Save Small Montana Farms!)

Many Montana residents are absolutely appalled with horrible House...

Gold Hits All Time High-$3013 (And Climbing) Per Troy Ounce!

Gold prices have hit an all-time high as silver...

An Analysis: (Update) Is Governor Gianforte Really Pro-Life?

The following article was originally published in 2022. Since...

Gold Hits All Time High-$3013 (And Climbing) Per Troy Ounce!

Gold prices have hit an all-time high as silver gains momentum. It's an exciting time to be alive (and particularly for those who've been stockpiling...

Montana Fruit Won’t Fare Well (It’s Toast)

Montanans thought last year was a bad fruit year they haven't seen anything yet. Pictures were taken in December by Montana1stNews and it wasn't pretty...

An Account Of The Bob Marshall Wilderness: (Why It Is More Dangerous Than You’d Think)

Back in the early 70's, we had just moved to Whitefish because my father couldn't wait to do what he loved best, meaning to...

Opinion Editorial: What’s with those Huckleberries? (You’re Brilliant, Mr. Boysen)

Huckleberries are an odd commodity. They are so very sought after and becoming so very expensive. And yes, they can be a pain to...

Confessions of a ‘Many Glacier Hotel Maid’ (The Year Was 1982)

In 1982 I landed a summer job at Many Glacier Hotel in Glacier National Park, high up on the park's eastern side. I was...

NW Cherry Crops Fail (Pears Are Suffering Too) Will the Huckleberries Survive?

The news is sad as it appears many growers in Northwest Montana have lost their cherry crops due to the horrendous cold snaps we...