Four days ago, the Montana skies statewide were a perfectly vivid blue and were clear as the eye could see.
But not for long. What started out as a crystal blue perfect was soon RUINED by them, the chemtrail madness maniacs.
Montana residents in Gallatin, Flathead, and Lake County lamented as ‘streaks’ of debris filled the sky and altered their view.

Now, although the video clip taken above was from September 2015 Gallatin County the premise is still the same. They are poisoning us from above.

In fact, today, it’s worse. Take a look at a ‘day in the life’ (September 27th, 2022 to be exact) and view chemtrails from various Montana cities.

Many Montanans have done their research and say these trails comprised of everything from aluminum to uranium. One thing is most certain. The sky on September 27th was pure blue as pure as steel and then they weren’t.
This is happening statewide folks. Look up, be aware and study.