National Dill Pickle Day: (Just a Distraction From All the Stuff We Don’t Want to Focus On)


Today is National Dill Pickle Day.

Another day to celebrate random stuff and forget about crime, poverty, war, and stolen elections. Did everybody hear that Katie Hobbs (Democrat) supposedly “won” (ahem) the election for Governor of Arizona? Of course she did….

Well anyway, back to pickles. Why is it we always think of pickles in the form of a cucumber? It’s because many folks were just raised that way not knowing any difference. But it’s time to venture out a bit.

How about pickled pig’s feet and pickled eggs? Pickled eggs can be elegant and beautiful when hard-boiled are combined with ruby red beet juice and vinegar and just the right about of sugar which graces the jar of this most fabulous delicacy.

Pickled pigs feet? Eww nasty. And no I’ve never eaten them but just seeing them in the jar gives me the shivers.

Pickled beets are scrumptious and super easy and literally composed of apples cider vinegar some organic sugar or honey and of course beets then you’re ready to go. Don’t forget to steam or roast them first so they aren’t tough as a corn cob.

Pickled asparagus is another tongue tantalizer. You can pickle just about anything! But usually, it’s vegetables that get pickled to give them that added ‘punch.’ And don’t forget; pickled foods are great for the digestive system.

So enjoy ‘National Pickle Day’ and go eat at least something pickled and try to escape all the madness out there even if it’s just for a few minutes.

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