A Child’s Perspective-Life in’69 At the Time of the Hong Kong Flu


In 1969 the Spirograph was invented, The Archies’ hit single, “Sugar Sugar” soared to the top of the charts, the Vietnam War was at its height, Woodstock was in full swing down at “Yasgur’s Farm,” and it was the second year of the Hong Kong Flu.

I was nine years old. I remember all of these things vividly. We played with our new Spirograph until we broke the plastic, “Sugar Sugar” played day and night over the radio. The Vietnam War was relentless night after night as my parents would watch it on our black and white TV. My 15-year-old sister BEGGED my father to let her go to Woodstock, which was a resounding NO. And in the midst of it all, my mother caught the Hong Kong Flu.

As a child, I remember hearing about it, probably on the radio (maybe once or my mom talking about it) but it certainly wasn’t on the nightly news continually like the Vietnam War and Woodstock. It seemed very far off to me. All the way across the world, in fact, in Hong Kong. I knew it was a long way away, so I wondered how my mother got it all the way over here in the US. As an adult, I realize she probably caught it at work in a large electronics factory where she worked in Portland, Oregon, entitled “Techtronics.” Perhaps she got it there. But one thing was most certain. None of the rest of the family got it. 

My mom was the only person I knew who had it to this day. During that time, I never knew another adult or kid who had it in ’69. I went to a country school with about 20 kids in each class, but nope, I didn’t know a single person who had it except for my mom. My grandparents, who lived about 30 miles from us, never got it.

My mother tended to get much sicker than my father ever did (although he smoked four packs of cigarettes to her one pack a day habit). If something was going around, my mom caught it. My little sister and I got sick at times too, but it seemed mom always got the brunt of everything. Vitamins weren’t a huge thing back then, and certainly, vitamin D wasn’t the big cure-all that folks rely on today. 

Mom had pneumonia and bronchitis at least 20 times that I can remember during her life span. But nothing caused her to be sicker than the Hong Kong Flu. I distinctly remember it being an abdominal flu. I couldn’t understand how anybody could go so long without eating (that’s all kids think about is eating), and she was so sick I barely saw her drink water either. She couldn’t hold a thing down. This went on for what seemed like forever, but in reality, she was probably sick at home about a week before she went to the hospital. There she’d lie on the left side of the bed (that was always her side), and I would lie on the other side just looking at her for what seemed like hours on end. 

We lived in a rural area on a small farm, but my father’s shop (he was a beautician) was about 20 miles away. During that time I was with my mother so much, that one day as an adult, it dawned on me. My father had left me to care for my mother, so he could go to work. I was 9. My younger sister was 6, (too little to stay home), so she went to school. By this time, my 15-year-old half-sister went back to live with her mom (who never let her go to Woodstock either), so it was I who stayed home and cared for my mother.

It never occurred to me at the time that it was odd my father left me alone with her, but it sure does now that I’m an adult. My father always downplayed anything medical (this is the same guy who flew out the rear window of a car, and broke his back when I was a baby and thought nothing of it).

My dad had to go to work, and that was that. I mostly would do simple things like getting mom fresh water, a cool cloth, or just watch that she was still alive and breathing. Caring for her wasn’t hard to do, but it was hard to watch. Then the day came when she went to the hospital. She just continued to worsen, so my father took her in. 

My younger sister and I went to stay with our friends, and we were there at least a week, maybe longer. I remember not seeing my father for what seemed like forever and, of course, not my mother. One night (and I remember it vividly to this day), I just laid in bed at our friend’s house and wondered if my mother would live. I honestly didn’t think she would.

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Then the day came. My little sister and I got to go to the hospital to see her! When we arrived, our mother was in a wheelchair (that scared me more than seeing her at home sick in bed), and she was so thin. That really shocked me, and then she did something I’d never ever seen my mother do. She cried. She cried when she saw my little sister and me, and I thought at the time it was because she missed us so much. She was crying because she didn’t think she would live to see us. I remember her being about 5 feet away from us in that wheelchair. Still, I don’t think we were allowed to hug her (we had to keep a little distance), but what I do remember was she wasn’t allowed to come home that day. Not for three more days would they discharge her. I guess they figured she was not contagious anymore, so she could at least see us but not well enough to be released. 

So home she finally came, and I’m sure it was a slow recovery (that part I don’t remember), but this much I can tell you, my mother lived another 44 years after that horrible flu almost took her life. The good Lord must’ve thought my little sis and I needed a momma.

What is the real point of this story? Well, here it is.

Here’s what didn’t happen during the Hong Kong Flu that spanned three years from 1968 -1971.

People didn’t wear masks. In fact, my father didn’t even wear a mask when he went to see her every night in the ICU after he was done at work. My mom didn’t wear a mask that day we went to see her at the hospital, and neither was the nurse who wheeled her out to greet us. No one in any store wore a mask or in a place of business ever.

No places shut down. Everything was open as usual. And just like my mom, others who were sick just stayed home. In a normal world, that’s just what people did.

People didn’t take test after test, people didn’t commit suicide, and the elderly weren’t locked down to the point where they were starving themselves to death due to failure to thrive, being deprived of seeing friends and loved ones like they have, and STILL ARE (in many places) during “Covid 19.” 

The Hong Kong Flu wasn’t everywhere you looked, meaning on TV or billboards or on the radio. There weren’t signs on every window, and there weren’t filthy masks littering parking lots. As a matter of fact, not long ago I saw a story online that said, “Woodstock took place in the Middle of a Pandemic.” I looked at that headline and thought, “Hmm, I don’t remember any pandemic in 69,” but then I clicked on the article to read more, and it started talking about the Hong Kong Flu. 

Oh. That.

Again. It wasn’t propaganda-ridden like Covid-19 has been. There was no “Covid Cash” being given away by the billions, and there wasn’t a vaccine for the Hong Kong Flu fueling the cash cow that CV-19 is. Well, there was a vaccine, but it came later after true immunity was reached. They didn’t rush it through like the Non-FDA approved experimental nightmare that the CV-19 “vaccine” is (which isn’t even an actual vaccine but fraudulent gene therapy). COVID is big bucks. Disease is big business, and that’s why Covid-19 was created in a petri dish in the first place.  

Encyclopedia Brittanica stated in reference to the Hong Kong Flu:

“Although a vaccine was developed against the virus, it became available only after the pandemic had peaked in many countries. The H3N2 virus that caused the 1968 pandemic is still in circulation today and is considered to be a strain of the seasonal influenza.” 

Some studies showed that it (the vaccine) was available in Britain but definitely not worldwide. 

As an adult (I’m 62 now), I asked a few friends around my age if they had had the Hong Kong Flu or knew anyone who’d contracted it. A few did, in fact, say they had it as a child and were extremely sick. And therein lies the difference. Covid-19 is not dangerous (generally speaking) for children. Not in comparison to the Hong Kong Flu. Although I shared I didn’t know children who had it when I was a kid, there were, in fact, children who got it and were very ill. Schools didn’t quarantine anybody because they didn’t have to. Sick kids simply stayed home, and well ones went to school. 

Back during the Hong Kong Flu era, people didn’t play the “asymptomatic” game. That is perhaps the biggest government-driven farce in the whole Covid nightmare. People can’t spread what they don’t have. There’s a tremendous amount of money in Covid testing. With the fake Cycle Thresholds being set so high, no wonder healthy people tested positive for CV-19. This is the first disease EVER to play the people via fraudulent testing and pay healthy people to stay home. But that’s what happens when a government wants to control people to become utterly dependent on them for everything and every move. We never heard a dang thing about any “testing” of every dog and his brother during the Hong Kong Flu. 

And as far as goofy face shields were concerned, we would have laughed silly even at the thought of those.

When I went to high school, we wouldn’t have put up with mask-wearing for two seconds. 

Yes, people died; a lot of people did. And a lot of people didn’t. But we were a free country, and we were serious about keeping it that way. I wish I had a buck for every time I recited the Pledge of Allegiance in that tiny country school.

The Hong Kong Flu killed over 1 million people worldwide from 1968 to 1971. But I hate to think how many more would have died had there been suicides from lockdowns and the elderly starving themselves to death from being trapped in their rooms and not allowed to see their relatives and loved ones per instructions from places such as the Department of Health and Human Services even right here in our beloved Montana.  

Maybe we as a society were tougher back then. My folks took a lot of pride and joy in working for every dime they earned. 

Or maybe the government wasn’t obsessed with becoming a Communist/Marxist/Socialist Regime like it is now. 

Covid is the biggest, most politically induced nightmare the world has ever seen. 

“Covid-19” isn’t my first “Pandemic Rodeo”, but it sure is the most fraudulent. 

[Publisher’s note: This article was written by Brenda Roskos (Publisher-Owner of https://montana1stnews.com/ who really did live during the Hong Kong Flu and is a true account]

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