WHISTLEBLOWER! Nov. 8, 2022-Carbon County Election Fraud (Shredding of Ballots and More)! video footage within


The following verbiage and video footage were brought to the attention of Montana 1st News for the purpose of publishing. Election Fraud appears to be rampant in Carbon County, Montana on November 8, 2022.

“Watch the explosive video footage of our election administrator here in Carbon County shredding what 100% looks like ballots on election night! When you watch the video think about this, what possibly could she be shredding on election night?

The only thing somebody would shred is something they didn’t want anybody to see.

She wouldn’t be shredding scrap pieces of paper. They are not allowed to get rid of anything even spoiled ballots from the elections!

Below are Carbon County election officials mishandling ballots (especially Election Administrator Crystal Rosiaco) shredding what appears to be ballots.”


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The Attorney General and Secretary of State were contacted claiming this was not within their jurisdiction.

Continue to check back with Montana 1st News as the story develops.

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