Senator Regier Please-Reconsider Senate Bills 100 and 101


The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by Julie Martin (RN, BSN, ACN) of Flathead County.

Dear Senator Regier,

“I have been a supporter of yours for some time and while I know two people will never agree on everything, I was very disappointed to learn that you are not supporting Senator Greg Hertz’s SB 100 and 101 bills.  

While I understand your wife, Jolene, and your daughter, Amy, are in the medical system in Kalispell, I am also a registered nurse of almost 32 years.  Any of us with open minds and critical thinking, especially those of us of integrity in the medical community, have been horrified, ashamed of, and disgusted with the tyranny, failure, and outright violation of Hippocratic oaths in the medical community in the last 4 years.  Our medical system which is completely owned and run by Big Pharma was already going down the wrong path prior to 2020, but 2020 and beyond have seen how the system has become almost a complete failure for patient rights; proper and common sense care, and bodily autonomy.

Montanans need other options for medical care and Naturopathy is a very viable option that proved itself incredibly useful in the last 4 years. I watched in horror at the mistreatment, lack of common sense, and outright harm to Montana citizens in our Logan medical monopoly (and other Montana facilities) during the COVID scamdemic, but I also saw how other modalities used proven, common sense treatments successfully.

Naturopaths, Functional medicine physicians, chiropractors, and wellness professionals like myself, were all teaching people the importance of fresh air, sunshine, proper diet, rest, activity, and common sense ways to build immune systems, which are God’s ultimate way of protecting our physical bodies.  But the medical system was killing and harming people with masking, cruel isolation, harmful modalities like Remdisivir, ventilators, and all manner of the exact opposite of common sense and they were doing so with impunity.  Their behavior was unconscionable and anyone with more than two functioning brain cells could see what was really happening and started seriously looking at other options.

Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of our founding fathers, actually tried very hard to have medical freedom included in the Constitution and was sadly overruled.  Like food freedom, I’m sure those who overruled his concerns could not see any possible way it would be necessary. How different things would be had he prevailed.  

My overall point is whether you agree with Naturopathy as a modality or not, the citizens of Montana have the natural right to the medical care of their choice and the bills put forth by Senator Hertz are common sense changes to already existing Montana laws.  I truly hope you will reconsider your stance on these bills and support them and the rights of the citizens of Montana.

 Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Sincerely, (and praying for you and all of our legislators),

Julie Martin, RN, BSN, ACN

(The chart below is a comparative analysis sent to Julie Martin by Senator Greg Hertz)

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