“South San Francisco cop hit with sexual harassment suit by former co-worker.”
Looks like Madison County Sheriff’s Department is where to go if you were a former cop somewhere else and got in trouble for sexual assault or misconduct.
Madison County Sheriff’s Department FB page shows the same “Danny Gil” who was accused of sexual misconduct in South San Francisco, California. Gil’s name isn’t present on Madison County’s website roster (however neither is the newly elected Sheriff’s).
“A former police officer has filed a lawsuit alleging that she was forced out of her job because she refused the sexual advances of her male supervisor in the department.
Tanya Reed, 25, alleges that Sgt. Danny Gil made sexual come-ons, including offering to let her sleep in his bed if she had been drinking and requesting to see tattoos on her hip and lower back, according to the lawsuit, which was filed Thursday in San Mateo County Superior Court.
When Reed didn’t respond to his overtures, Gil allegedly began berating her in front of suspects and other officers while she was working, the lawsuit claims. Ultimately, she was given the choice of resigning or being demoted to a parking-enforcement position when questions about her performance were raised during a meeting with Police Chief Mike Massoni in January, according to the lawsuit.
Reed resigned in March. She is seeking an unstated amount in damages as well as compensation for attorney fees and back pay.
South San Francisco City Attorney Steve Mattas said Tuesday that he could not comment on the lawsuit because it is a personnel matter.
“The city does take allegations of sexual harassment and retaliation very seriously. We investigate them and take appropriate actions,” said Mattas, adding that South San Francisco has not yet been served with the lawsuit.”

You can view Daniel Gil’s (Madison County Sheriff’s Department) ‘Linked in’ here.

You can read the full story here concerning sexual allegations. By JOSHUA MELVIN The Mercury News
{Editor’s Note: We’re not exactly sure when Gil was hired by the Madison County Sheriff’s Department, because it appears he was still working in California up until at least 2019, but he is pictured above in what appears to be January of this year}.