Rhino Poaching At An All Time High


The number of endangered rhinos poached in Namibia last year was the highest on record and almost twice as many as the year before, officials say.

A total of 87 rhinos were killed compared with 45 in 2021, official government data show.

Most were poached in Etosha, Namibia’s biggest national park, officials say.

Rhino numbers in Africa have dropped significantly in recent decades to feed demand for rhino horn in China and Vietnam.

Poachers killed 61 black and 26 white rhinos mainly in Etosha, where 46 rhinos were found dead, Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism spokesperson Romeo Muyunda said.

“We note with serious concern that our flagship park, Etosha National Park, is a poaching hotspot,” Mr Muyunda said.

International criminal gangs now use sophisticated equipment to track and tranquilize the animals before hacking off the horn, leaving them bleeding to death.”

By George Wright

BBC News

You can read the full story here.

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