Asbury ‘Envision Leadership Coordinator’ Reverend Meerkreebs Scores Sin 0, Repentance 0, Tacos 3


There has been so much study, analysis, and different opinions concerning the ‘Asbury Revival’ that it just seems fitting to lay it all out there ‘as it is.’

Here is the Facebook account from the Reverend Zach Meerkreebs ‘Envision Leadership Coordinator’ which lead into his sermon that eventful day.

Meerkreebs words are below in BLACK.

“Wednesday morning one of the pastors, Zach Meerkreebs, took the word to lay on Romans 12:9-21, a 25-minute sermon that focused on the call to love exposed by the Apostle Paul. The preacher invited those present to reconsider love, a word so tamed in today’s culture, to regain its Biblical meaning—which involves much more than an emotion.

During the teaching, he emphasized the need for the Holy Spirit to be the one to produce this fruit in the believer.

“We feel hypocrites, we feel hurt to realize that we don’t fit up. “Holy Spirit, move, heal us, show us your true love,” Meerkrebs prayed.

“You cannot love until you are loved by Jesus.” Stop pushing or carrying this burden. You have been loved. “Rest in Jesus to be loved and that in this way you can love others,” the pastor said. “As you experience God’s love, you will be able to forgive and love others. We need this love in this country, Jesus, revive us for your love.” Reverend Meerkreebs

Reverend Zach Meerkreebs

But before you listen to Meerkreebs’ sermon posted below please read the analysis (word search) of his sermon.

You can listen to Meerkreebs sermon in full by clicking here.

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