House Rep. Lola Sheldon-Galloway Helps 4th Graders Draft “Huckleberry Bill”


The story you are about to read will leave you grinning from ‘ear to ear.’ These adorable 4th graders are learning about the legislative system in Montana and are wanting the infamous ‘huckleberry’ to become Montana’s State fruit. House Representative Lola Sheldon-Galloway helped the children to understand the bill drafting process.

HELENA – The Montana Capitol is known as “The People’s House” partially because of how accessible government is in the Treasure State. Whether you’re a lawmaker or an elementary student, you have a right to have your voice heard in the legislative process.

On Tuesday, the House State Administration Committee was jam-packed with fourth-grade students from Vaughn lobbying to have Montana take a definitive stance on huckleberries.

“I am here today to ask you to vote for House Bill 880 to make the huckleberry our state fruit,” said Vaughn School elementary student Chevrolet Hayes.

The students in Mrs. Amy Brooks’ class have been learning about state government. They recently modeled how a bill gets passed with students serving as legislators and a governor.

“I was so encouraged by their enthusiasm I asked their teacher, Mrs. Brooks, if they would be interested, because Montana didn’t have an official fruit, that maybe they would do the process of what may be our state fruit could be,” explained Rep. Lola Sheldon-Galloway, R-Great Falls, who is the sponsor of HB 880. “I’m just so proud of them and the efforts they’ve taken to actually, physically be here and be a part of the process before you.”

Montana is home to several beloved fruits and berries. In an effort of fairness, the students conducted a survey to determine what fruit they’d back.

“We voted on Flathead cherries, chokecherries and huckleberries. And huckleberries took the lead in our school,” Brooks told the committee.

The students then worked with Rep. Sheldon-Galloway to draft legislation.

You can read the rest of the heartwarming story here. By: John Riley (8KPAX)

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