Euthanasia Legal for Kids Under 12 in the Netherlands


Below is what many would call a very “slippery slope” and at what point does this stop? You will read about a teenager (17) who was tormented and in which case doctors agreed to ending her life.

“Parents in the Netherlands can now euthanize their terminally ill children aged 12 and under plans to widen the countries existing end of life laws.

The Dutch Government announced plans to expand euthanasia regulations to include doctor-assisted death for terminally ill children between one and 12 years old on Friday.

The rules would apply to an estimated five to 10 children per year, who suffer unbearably from their disease, have no hope of improvement and for whom palliative care cannot bring relief, the government has said.

‘The end of life for this group is the only reasonable alternative to the child’s unbearable and hopeless suffering,’ the government said in a statement.”

You can read the full story here.

By Gemma Parry,

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Daily Mail

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