Miles City, MT: Full Gospel Preached By Persecuted Missionaries at Bucking Horse Parade (Part 1)


Saturday, May 20th was a special day in Miles City, MT.

The full Gospel was preached by missionaries Jesse Boyd and Eric Trent at the Bucking Horse Parade in downtown Miles City. The missionaries who were assaulted and arrested on November 12th, in Madison County MT were invited to join in the Miles City parade where they shared the love of God as well as judgment of God over wicked nations. They preached that “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” Several “amens” were heard from the crowd (and some insults as well) but the head missionary with a microphone in hand continued to share the good news of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross as the Savior of the world. Boyd continued by saying that those in government and Washington D.C. cannot save us but only Christ alone can bring salvation to mankind.

To watch and hear Jesse Boyd preaching at the Bucking Horse Parade in downtown Miles City Click Here. (Of special note about halfway through you will hear a man yell “GO HOME”-Montana 1st News will share more on that in Part 2 of the ‘Bucking Horse Parade’ so check back soon).

(Jesse Boyd-persecuted missionary preaching the Word of God in the Bucking Horse Parade, Miles City, MT).

Eric Trent helped share the Word of God as well and was able to witness to a local who was receptive to taking a tract and listening to what Trent had to say.

Eric Trent fellow missionary with Jesse Boyd had this to share,

“Thankful for an open door to preach Christ here in Miles City. Zach came over and we talked about the Lord, true repentance, and faith in Christ. I had to tell him that Christ isn’t a license to sin. He saves His people FROM their sins (Matthew 1:21). Zach took a New Testament, a J.C. Ryle tract on what a true born-again believer is, and also something to follow us at #thelongwalkusa.

Praise the Lord! Pray He draws Zach to Himself.” (Missionary Eric Trent is on the right his new friend Zach is pictured on the left).

You can view and listen to Eric Trent as he preaches the Gospel in Miles City, Mt (to watch and listen to Trent Click Here and here).

Be sure to check back at Montana 1st News soon to learn of the sequel to this important event.

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