Northwest MT: Strawberry Moon in all its Splendor


A ‘Strawberry Moon’ (a type of full moon) has been around since the beginning of time and they always come in June marking the strawberry season; they in fact look like and resemble a strawberry with their ‘reddish hue’ and ‘pockmarked look’ (indicative of the moon’s many craters). Recently in Montana our ‘Strawberry Moon’ happened for several days about a week ago. And although it’s supposed to coincide with the strawberry season it originated in eastern states (and they get strawberries a few weeks earlier than we do in the colder climate of Montana).

And although they say the name has nothing to do with the strawberry color I beg to differ. (check out the pixabay image below)

Recently in Northwest Mt, several people shared their beautiful photos with the public. The first picture is of Bitterroot Lake and the second is in Somers MT.

You can read more fascinating details on the strawberry moon by clicking here. Juliana Kim MPR

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