The Most Frightening, Disturbing, and Shocking Sight EVER in the Flathead


Several days ago we were headed home and saw a sight that took my breath away. As my husband was driving and we had someplace we had to be we quickly clipped along. It took me a bit to process what had just viewed and by then we were three blocks ahead.

And then I started in.

“Did you see that?!? Did you see what was in that stroller? Slow down! I need to take a quick picture.” And yes these pictures are so dumb (and unclear) but it’s the best I could be between him cruising and me being in shock.

What am I looking at you may ask? Well, the answer is you are looking at two homeless adults walking in the heat of the day with everything they can carry and two tiny children with PILES of clothing blankets, and more heaped upon them.

All I literally saw were two tiny heads peaking out and shoulders. The small children were maybe one to three years old at the oldest.

I was mortified and I simply had never seen such a thing and definitely not in Kalispell, MT. Tiny children should never be living like this. EVER.

I felt as though I was watching a scene in a third world country.

Color me stupid and call me naive if you will (and I even helped a homeless shelter for years) but this was so disturbing.

Please if you see this family try to get some kind of information and guide them to A Ray of Hope for assistance and guidance (if they will agree to receive it). To learn more about AROH and for contact information click here.

If I had it to do over again I would have gone back.

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