‘Furries’ Exist at Flathead High School (and YES They Want Litterboxes)


Recently Elsie Arntzen exclaimed in an article that “litterboxes” exist in schools across Montana (and to be honest she’s not too far off) from the target. We KNOW ‘furries’ exist in schools. To read Arntzen’s interview click here.

Last year a few teenagers who had attended Flathead High School shared with Montana 1st News that yes “furries” (students dressed up in weird animal costumes did in fact roam the halls of the school and attend classes). And although no litter boxes were to be found the furries shared they wanted them.

One particular girl ‘furry’ (as reported to M1N by the teens) even went so far as to “cut out a hole in her jeans” and rectally inserted the tail. Perhaps she felt she could become a real animal by doing so but who knows? At any rate this is beyond disturbing and appears to be a real cry for help. These are mental health issues at the very least and these kids are in desperate need of spiritual help as well.

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But the real question is this. Why is this being allowed in schools? Why are kids allowed to dress up like animals? Why isn’t the school board banning such behavior? Sure there may be certain days when all students dress up for “spirit week” helping to promote school camaraderie or something similar.

But how on earth is it acceptable for students to dress up like cats and other strange animals? In the early 60’s girls weren’t even allowed to wear pants but dresses only. My how far we’ve come in the government indoctrination centers we all “Public Schools”.

It’s an attention-seeking distraction that’s exactly what it is and should never be allowed by any school board in any Montana school. The school board is exactly who is responsible for allowing this nonsense.

If your child’s school has furries present or litterboxes please send us your story. This needs to stop.

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