Good News: Passengers Can Now Bring “Lawful” Guns on Public Buses in Missoula


“Missoula Bus Systems will now have to allow passengers to carry guns as they were threatened with a lawsuit via the Montana Shooting Sports Association.” Gary Marlbut (President of the MSSA) had the following to say-(Be sure to watch the interview posted below by Montana PBS “Impact”) The video also shares that “Bozeman is holding out on allowing firearms on public transit.”

Dear MSSA Friends,

“You’ve seen my emails about MSSA’s contest with Missoula’s Mountain Line bus system over its gun ban.  Mountain Line finally conceded to our demand and gave up on its gun ban, albeit ungracefully.

I just did a video interview with Montana Public Broadcasting System for its story about this contest.  You might be interested in how this PBS story turned out.” (See below)

Click here to view the details. MT PBS (Impact)

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, President

Montana Shooting Sports Association

Author, *Gun Laws of Montana*

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