“One Small Town” Brings ‘Communitarianism and Digital ID’


It’s hard to believe and imagine, but no, the following information isn’t the script for a Sci-Fi movie. Aman Jabbi (expert in DigitalID and Smart Cities) has shared the story below via a friend of his in the United Kingdom. His friend asked his opinion on the matter as he then reveals the information for us in which to study and educate ourselves.

A dear friend from the UK brought ONE SMALL TOWN (OST) to my attention a few weeks ago and asked me to weigh in on it. It is an initiative being pushed as an alternative to the globalist agenda by building local solutions via #CONTRIBUTIONISM and #TOKENS. A way to thrive locally by starting businesses in small towns and communities via business models that do not rely on value creation, but rather, contribution of one’s time/labor. Whether the initiators and founders of this effort know it or not, it is a #TrojanHorse for #COMMUNITARIANISM and also, the #DigitalID.

My commentary and initial analysis:

– OST is incorporated in South Africa and is being pushed as a global movement


– Monthly basket of goods (UBI = Universal Basic Income)

– Monthly cash dividends – EQUAL share of 60% net profits from ALL businesses (equalization of the proletariat)

– ONE INFINITY TOKEN for every three hours of LABOUR

– OST Model requires individuals of the “community” to sign up and donate THREE HOURS of their time PER WEEK (No qualitative or quantitative measures of the output)

– LABOUR in itself does not equal VALUE CREATION

– FREE labour = Slavery (Cost basis for the business is computed as ZERO)

– 3 hr shift Infinity Token deposited directly to their DIGITAL WALLET (Trojan horse for a Digital ID)

– Community MUST CREATE a legal CORPORATE ENTITY – all corporations have bylaws and charters and ultimately must align with the communist charter of the parent corporation (Note: UN SDGs)

– Net Profit Revenue Split:

— 60% to community co-op

— 30% to investor (This is ludicrous as there is no discussion of the pre-money valuation of the business and the people; no discussion on how much money will be invested; to give away 30% of the business share to an investor without value judgment or negotiations is essentially enslaving the community) -> STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM

— 10% to OST head office for operational costs (Royalties, IP use, land rentals etc.)


Economic model that follows UBUNTU fundamentals:

– Unity in the community (any individual or group of individuals who don’t align with the equalization aspect will be ostracized).

– Creating and sharing abundance for all (equalization; inversion in “abundance”)

– (Any form of) CAPITALISM replaced by CONTRIBUTIONISM (Value Creation replaced by hourly labour)

– OST is a BLOCKCHAIN platform (see my Facebook post on blockchains and how they will be used to enslave society)

– “A successful team is a group of many hands and one mind” – AI controlled (HIVE MIND) – master with many slaves


– “Competition does not help people” (Michael Tellinger video on YouTube)

– Participating in joy of what we create COLLECTIVELY

– All good things should be available to us all the time!!!!

– Abundance + Prosperity by working 3 hours/week!

– All Business profits (and losses) will be put into one pool and then distributed EQUALLY amongst all members -> EQUALIZATION OF WEALTH/OUTCOMES regardless of merit, value creation and creativity. Labour hours driven metrics.

One Small Town ➡️➡️➡️ ONE BIG LIE!

By Aman Jabbi-

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