“Testy-Tester”-(Will the Real Jon Tester Please Stand Up?)


The following Opinion-Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by a very concerned (and fed up) Flathead County resident. And it goes without saying that she is speaking for many folks throughout the county and throughout Montana.

Will the Real Jon Tester Please Stand Up?

“Well, it’s mid-term time again, and out comes the barn coat, (with the tractor and landscape showing the quality of farm and ranch life here in Montana) meanwhile China is buying up our lands left and right. With electric car batteries made in China for our driving pleasure try and start that tractor, truck, and other machines in the winter to feed livestock and manage cows and calves (but then again you always vote party line).

Tester always votes party line EVERY SINGLE TIME and will not lose the opportunity to again satisfy a failing agenda-just like being the final vote for Obamacare when the time comes.

In 2001 he voted against HB 495 allowing a permitted mine to transfer to its new owner, the mine was in compliance and the new owner would have to follow all regulatory authority as it should be, however, you made it more cumbersome-(now tell us you don’t like more government Jon while losing 4,200 new jobs and $34,000,000 in new revenue for the state of Montana).

And now you slam Tim Sheehy and call him shady but you don’t seem to mind outsourcing our goods to China (the very thing you blame him for) and by the way, a lot of Republicans and Democrats do the same so-called shady dealings thanks to most of America’s industry (which is gone and outsourced).

I have never in all the years you have served seen you bring those lost jobs back (just MORE lip service at election time). So in that you are a “Testy-Tester” always acting like a moderate at voting time and then turning your back on what’s good for Montana.

You praise yourself among the veterans however at least Trump donated his salary to the veterans; I have never seen you or anyone in your party do that one (just more pork like all the rest).”

Signed-“Concerned and fed up Flathead County Resident”

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