Defy MT GOP “Dictators” Support U.S. Congressman Matt Rosendale


The following information is public content by a Montana resident. They have had enough of the GOP elite ‘dictators’ and are asking you to continue to support Matt Rosendale in his future efforts.

We support Congressman Matt Rosendale, and whatever he decides to do.

We do need him representing Montana because he is the only “true constitutional conservative, who is standing up for us, ‘We The People’.

His voting record proves it!

We have asked for our MT delegation to stand up to the swamp and Matt has done that.

We do not support the GOP elite dictators that are telling Montanans who can run, where they can run, when they can run or if they cannot run for an office. (We know this to be true as it has happened to our family in the past.)

They may be fooling a lot of you!!! but they are not fooling us or God with their “intentions”.

Follow the money; follow the power.

Show your ‘Support for Matt’ and let him know that we/you appreciate all he has and is doing for our state.

Congressman Matt Rosendale is the only Montana statesman serving us as we have asked and he has promised to do among the Montana Congressional Delegation.

Thank you Matt.

Note: Yes, President Trump you are being duped by your son Don Jr. It’s sad.

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