Op-Ed “Samaria” (West Bank) Safer Than Madison County, MT (How About that DOJ?)


Jesse Boyd has traveled the world and is convinced (although he has traveled to some of the most dangerous places on earth) that Madison County, MT) is among the most terrifying and vicious. Boyd is across seas and made the following comments and observations.

“I had some serious PTSD today when I suddenly thought I was driving down a Madison County, Montana highway. But, my passenger reminded me I was in Samaria (what some erroneously call the West Bank). It probably is safer to drive with a car full of Bibles and tracts through Samaria than it is to walk down a highway with a cross in Madison County. After all, it was in Montana where we experienced a TERRORIST ATTACK, never once in Israel. In Israel, the Department of Justice punishes terrorists. In Montana, the Department of Justice under Austin Knudsen covers for them.

In all seriousness, this stretch of highway in Samaria, the 508, really does look a lot like something out of Montana. Beautiful country … both places.”

If you are new to the corruption in Madison County, Montana, by the Law Enforcement there then read the following articles on how 5 missionaries were persecuted, assaulted, and framed by clicking here.

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  1. Pitiful how we have such corruption in law enforcement here in America. People need to be fired and going to jail themselves.


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