NW MT Bipolar Weather: Will My Pear Tree Survive the Next Cold Snap? (The Real Scare is Cherries)


It’s been one crazy winter/spring/winter/spring/winter here in Northwest Montana. (Well anyway you get the idea.)

We were concerned our pear tree wouldn’t produce fruit this year; we cut into a few buds a couple weeks ago which seemed quite dormant and honestly, we weren’t sure they actually survived the last cold snap. Then just today as we took a gander there they were! Tiny wee little springs of green life peering out of these ever-so-tiny buds!

I told my little granddaughter as we had prayed the pears would survive and it appeared the buds were unharmed!

Then alas just this evening I took a look at the looming weather forecast. What I saw was just unbelievable. The lows were, Tuesday 30, Wednesday 25, Thursday 25, and Friday 23. These results were for Flathead County.

My pear tree may or may not make it this year. Those sweet little buds might just freeze to death. Only God knows.

What is far more concerning however is if the cherry trees will survive on the east side of Flathead Lake (and the west side for that matter). Tuesday the low is 31, Wednesday 29, Thursday 27, and Friday 26 and then the temperatures after that will be 36 and above.

With those low temperatures, it could prove disastrous for this year’s cherry crop. For our family pears are just a pleasure and a treat but not a necessity as are cherries for they provide a livelihood for many of our neighbors and friends surrounding the Flathead Lake area.

If anyone has a report on how the “Flathead Lake Cherries” are looking this year please let us know. In the meantime, we will hope and pray this scrumptious fruit will survive the next ‘snap’.

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