Governor Gianforte, The LGBTQ Flag (Hung in the Capitol)-Property Taxes and Peanut Butter (What a Mess!)


We believe that last year about this time the LGBTQ flag flew high in the Capitol in Helena and Gianforte was to blame (as he is the highest in command, head honcho, yada, yada, yada). Granted we believe he had it taken down last year however it certainly wasn’t immediately, but how on earth does this KEEP happening year after year?

A while back two legislators stated this very thing during Bullock’s rule and reign.

Scott Sales and Greg Hertz blasted the decision as an “an unmistakable act of disrespect to our state and the people and institutions we serve and beneath the office of the governor.

But what are the chances of it happening AGAIN under Gianforte the supposed conservative leader’s rule? Everyone who reads this article needs to reach out to our Governor and tell him to have it immediately removed. How on earth and under the headship of a supposedly “Conservative Republican” Governor does this keep happening? It’s truly mind-boggling.

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Make sure to call “Greg” and tell him you don’t appreciate this flag being flown in our Capitol and while you’re at it reprimand him for raising our property taxes sky high! (And yes he’s the one at fault for the property tax mess as he sued the counties thus forcing them to overcharge us!)

No, Greg, we couldn’t care less about your Facebook page touting all the Montana beef steaks you consume and fancy other delicacies because we peons and serfs are drowning in the taxes you’ve forced upon us so we’re stuck eating peanut butter out of a jar!

To contact Gianforte and let him know what you think of (both issues) you can call the numbers below. Phone- 855-318-1330 (toll-free) or 406-444-3111

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