Helena Capitol: LGBTQ Flag Update (Gianforte Abdicates, Shoves Calls to “Building Management”)


Well he’s at it again (meaning Gianforte’s hiding in the background, passing the buck, and avoiding conflict). Haven’t we had enough of this nonsense?

Since the Governor touts himself as such a “Conservative Republican” and yet takes no heed to the flag removal but rather shuffles the responsibility to the ‘building management’ what kind of message does that send to his voters and our state?

A weak one that’s what.

An avid reader of Montana 1st News called the Governor’s office (as we instructed our readers to do in our last article click here to read Wednesday’s piece) and when they made contact with the office staff they were told the following,

“I just called the Governor’s office and the man that answered the phone told me that Gianforte had nothing to do with the flag being in there. It’s a public space and it was put up by the building management and then he gave me the following telephone number to call 406-444-2511”.

Friends, do you see what is happening here? He has no ‘fight’ in him when there’s conflict involved. This ‘leader’ who sits at the top of our state needs to come against this (and boldly) even if it means organizing a protest in front of the very ‘Capitol’ where he ‘resides’.

This same supposed ‘conservative leader’ refused to help the persecuted Christian missionaries who were assaulted in Madison County in November of 2022 when they pleaded with him to help them and he quickly scurried away. This same supposed leader’s office was visited several years back on “Pro-Life at the Capitol Day” (in which the group was excited to meet with him as he claims to be pro-life) but instead, he refused to come out of his office to even give them the time of day.

What will it take for Gianforte to stand up to this debacle? What if it was a dead animal draped up in the Capitol? What if it was pictures of a prostitute? What’s it going to take? Because for many in Montana, the ‘rainbow flag’ and what it represents is ‘shocking and disturbing’ and that’s evident by the amount of calls the Governor’s office is receiving (and not just because we urged people to call in).

This ‘leader’ of ours is NOT conservative-not by a long shot.

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