Yes, things are already getting wild.
Even though the legislative session in Helena hasn’t officially begun, yesterday (Tuesday) legislators convened as there were votes cast for ‘Rules of the Session.’
Courtenay Sprunger is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ (or a Democrat in republican clothing). Why on earth didn’t she just run as a Democrat since she so readily lines up with them?
The facts are in.
The official legislative session in Helena hasn’t even begun, and Sprunger is already ruining things. Just yesterday the following took place.
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Yesterday, (Tuesday) “Sprunger was the deciding vote to KILL the amendment to prevent men from using the women’s bathrooms at the Capitol in Helena. Sprunger voted with the Dems to kill the rules amendment that specifically stated that men use the men’s bathrooms and women use the women’s. She killed the bill and worked with the democrats to do so.”
And there’s more.
“Sprunger also tried to run for ‘Majority Whip’ after the elections and was soundly defeated by her republican colleagues because of votes like this” (referring to the bathroom madness)
If you’ve had enough of this nonsense email Sprunger at the Capitol and let her know!

Contact Information
PO BOX 8315
KALISPELL, MT 59904-8315
Primary ph: (406) 407-1151
While three other (supposed Republicans) voted poorly, it was Sprunger who nailed the lid (See below)