House Representative (District 7) Courtenay Sprunger is making waves statewide and many folks just aren’t putting up with it.
Flathead Pro-Life Coalition sent out a mailer exposing Sprunger and her liberal ways. When you read the mailer it’s obvious to many how she aligns with liberals, votes with liberals and yet wants to convince voters she’s a conservative.
She’s not even close to being a conservative.

And yet she’s Gianforte’s protege and he promotes her every chance he gets (So does Tim Sheehy but that’s another story).
Additionally, what many may not know is that in 2023 Sprunger cast the deciding vote with Democrats to help ensure a lack of transparency concerning the ultra-extreme liberal pro-abortion Montana Supreme Court!

This is twice now that Sprunger has cast the deciding vote when she voted with the liberals at the Capitol in Helena.
So get on the line, call Courtenay Sprunger and inundate her email until she stops doing wrong and shapes up.
Do NOT underestimate this woman. She could very well run for Governor or Montana’s US Congressional Representative. It’s highly doubtful she will be content as a House Rep. for long.